The One Drink You Should Never Have Because It Causes Breakouts

July 18, 2018 by Jessica Harrington


There’s nothing worse than when a new breakout pops up completely out of the blue. You’ve been following your skincare regimen to a T and eating your fruits and vegetables–so what gives?

If you struggle with acne flare-ups, try taking a closer look at not just the foods you’re putting into your body, but the drinks too. We’ve all heard it a million times before: you are what you eat–and drink.

When our face breaks out, it can be a direct result of our diet, drinks and all. You’re probably already aware that milk is bad for your complexion due to all of the hormones in it, but that’s not the only drink you should avoid.

Another common culprit to breakouts: sports drinks. Athletes beware! While sports drinks are traditionally marketed as healthy beverages to hydrate and fuel your workout, they aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

If you pay attention to the ingredients listed in some of your favorite sports drinks, you may be shocked at what you find. No matter the brand of flavor, one thing that most sports drinks have in common is the alarming amount of sugar they contain.

While keeping your body hydrated is key to keeping your skin clear, too much sugar will destroy that. Sugar triggers your glycemic index and causes a hormonal imbalance in our bodies. When your sugar intake goes up, your blood sugar and insulin levels do, as well. This spike causes breakouts and acne.

Ultimately the number one hydrating drink to consume after a hard workout is water, which is linked to clear skin.

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