The One Styling Mistake You Could Be Making That’s Causing Your Hair To Fall Out

July 11, 2021 by Lisa Cupido


What could go wrong from simply curling your hair – or straightening it or getting a treatment that can promote shine and less frizz? Often times, no bad will come from these efforts to make your hair even more amazing. But if you are experiencing hair shedding, the culprit could be hormonal changes, disruptions in your diet, AND styling mistakes that are putting strain on your scalp and causing hair follicles to weaken. Maria McCool, stylist, salon owner, and founder of Calista Tools, spoke to about the one styling mistake you could be making that’s causing your hair to fall out.

One of the biggest hair-shedding mistakes that McCool says many women make is a styling trick to actually try and address the problem of hair shedding.

“One of the biggest mistakes is pulling hair into tight buns and pony tails (an easy way women try to hide thinning spots as well, ironically),” McCool says. 

A restricted bun or ponytail causes tension to your scalp that weakens hair strands. Depending on the elastic tie you use, your hair accessories could also be causing unnecessary damage. Opting for softer, looser ponytail holders is always preferable to constricting rubber hands that can cause breakage. 

McCool suggests using easy and quick tools and products that help keep your hair voluminous and shiny every day, don’t put too much weight on the hair, and also help keep it looking tidy. “Rather than a tight up-do, better styling overall will help you feel beautiful, rather than hiding from what you THINK are your weak spots,” McCool says. 

 The StyleDryer Pro by Calista Tools is a hairdryer and a brush in one and lets you blow dry your hair while styling it into a smooth, polished look using either of two attachments.”

While on the topic of styling your hair, there’s another mistake many people make, often in an effort to get their hair to appear fuller: the overuse of dry shampoo. 

“I also instruct my clients to care for the scalp,” McCool says. “Clogged pores will cause thinning over time. So if you overuse dry shampoo, root touch ups, volumizing powders or any styling products that can coat the scalp you must be sure to brush your hair thoroughly at night before sleeping to be sure it is all brushed off the scalp. Product on the scalp is like makeup on the face. It must be cleared off daily. A healthy scalp helps prevent thinning.”

Even if you’re a hair styling fanatic, it’s a good idea to give your strands and scalp time to rest and breathe by mixing up product and styling-heavy days with ones where you let your hair do its thing. The less stress on your scalp, and the cleaner your scalp, the less likely you’ll experience unnecessary hair thinning and shedding. 

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