People Are So Mad At Sunny Hostin For Making ‘Extremely Offensive’ Comments On ‘The View’: Her ‘Racism Needs To End’

June 2, 2023 by Carrie McCabe

Splash News

The View host Sunny Hostin has recently come under fire by viewers for her comments about white women, including her belief that they “fall in line with what their husbands are doing, what their husbands are voting.”

There have been calls on Twitter and beyond for Sunny to be fired for her alleged “antiwhiteism”, with commenters accusing the host of being an “antiwhite racist” and “trash.”

Controversial Comments Included Accusing White Women Of ‘[Protecting] The Patriarchy’

The comments came on Tuesday’s episode of The View, during a discussion of a recent Washington Post article that featured female voters from Pennsylvania stating they would still vote for Donald Trump in a 2024 election despite his being found liable for sexual assault and defamation in civil court.

“I think that women, white women in particular, want to protect this patriarchy here because it’s to their benefit,” said Sunny. “They want to make sure their husbands do well. They want to make sure their sons do well. They want to make sure their children do well. They want to make sure they do well.”

The controversial host elaborated, stating "most of the women in some of these studies are married, white women who 'all in line with what their husbands are doing, how their husbands are voting."

Hostin is notable for her often contentious comments, including when, in discussing the issue of abortion, she compared white women who vote Republican to "roaches voting for Raid."

Fans Comment: 'Totally Racist And Extremely Offensive'

The backlash to Sunny's comments has been intense, especially since Fox News hosts Greg Gutfeld and Lisa Kennedy Montgomery among others have called out ABC's Senior Legal Correspondent for her remarks. Kennedy particularly laid into Hostin, calling her a "garbage person with garbage opinions" and saying that "there is a special place in hell for women who don't support other women."

The reception on Twitter has not been much better:

Neither Sunny nor ABC itself have yet commented on the backlash.

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