We Investigate: Can Supplements Actually Help With Anti-Aging?

August 20, 2021 by Merrell Readman


It’s often said that supplements are a cure-all to a number of health issues from a weak immune system to a slow metabolism, and even brittle bones. However, supplements are also frequently recommended for stronger hair, clearer skin, and better nails, begging the question whether or not they can actually have an impact on your appearance, fighting off signs of aging and preventing wrinkles from developing on your complexion. 

We checked in with registered dietitian Trista Best and plastic surgeon Dr. Michael K. Newman for their take on if supplements can actually make an impact on the surface of your skin, providing anti-aging benefits from the inside out, and this is what they had to say. 

Supplements are included in your diet primarily to fill any gaps that your eating plan may be missing. While it might sound like this would affect your health alone, it can actually impact your complexion as well. Certain foods, particularly collagen rich ingredients such as chicken, berries, and eggs can support your appearance by increasing elasticity in the skin and fighting against the development of wrinkles across your complexion. 

If your diet is lacking in certain antioxidants you may notice signs of premature aging, so it can be useful to then include supplements into your routine to make up for the shortcomings of your diet. “Vitamins and supplements provide the body with antioxidants which work to counteract this damage through vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. For this reason I would recommend supplementing with antioxidant specific supplements,” suggests Best. 

Antioxidant derivative supplements can actually be useful in fighting against signs of aging as they function to reduce inflammation in the complexion that can cause you to look puffy and consequently older than you are. “Chronic, low-level inflammation causes oxidative stress in the body that leads to many of the chronic conditions common to Western nations. The most common of these conditions caused and / or exacerbated by inflammation include heart disease, obesity, and most notably aging,” explains Best. In particular, curcumin, the primary active ingredient in turmeric, can have powerful anti-aging benefits, truly making an impact on the appearance of your skin.

While you could simply add more turmeric into your diet to reap the same benefits, a curcumin supplement is easier for your body to absorb. Turmeric must be paired with black pepper in order to actually have any impact on your body, and black pepper encourages curcumin uptake, making it more effective. 

“Curcumin has also been proven to protect cells from harm and extend the lifetime of fruit flies, roundworms, and mice. This chemical has been proven to delay the onset of age-related illness as well as relieve age-related symptoms,” explains Newman. Human studies are still ongoing, but across the board it can be agreed that curcumin supplements may provide significant benefits for anti-aging within your complexion, working in tandem with your skincare routine to improve your skin. 

At the end of the day, depending on the supplement you choose, certain options can have a powerful impact on your appearance, turning back the clock on aging while keeping fine lines and wrinkles at bay. While not every supplement touting anti-aging benefits can have the same effect on your skin, supplements that are rich in antioxidants and tout anti-inflammatory benefits are some of the best for maintaining a smooth and ageless appearance at any age. Adding turmeric into your cooking and implementing a curcumin or antioxidant supplement into your daily regimen are actually incredibly useful in fighting against wrinkles and sagging skin, making them a necessary addition to your morning routine--with a well rounded skincare routine, of course.

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