
The Biggest Secret About Prince Harry & Queen Elizabeth Just Got Out--We’re So Sad For Them!

March 30, 2020 by Elizabeth Blasi
shefinds | Celebrity

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In the midst of trying to reshape what his new lifestyle looks like, Prince Harry is caught between a crossroads. 2020, brought big changes for the Royal Family – Meghan Markle and Prince Harry decided to forgo their Royal responsibilities and relocate to Canada to live an ordinary life away from the spotlight and obligations that came along with being a prince and princess. This month in particular, was the last curtsy and bow for the two ex-royals – attending the Commonwealth Service with the entire Royal Family. Awkward exchanges and glances were given between each member, knowing that it would be the last Royal function both Meghan and Harry attended with their associating titles.


However, now with COVID19 hurting UK and the Royal Family, Harry feels helpless being so far away. Especially when it comes to worrying about the safety of his grandparents: Queen Elizabeth (93) and Prince Phillip (98). Considering their ages and new development of cases, it’s becoming a scarier realization of the risks of COVID19 with each passing day.

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How Meghan and Harry are Dealing with COVID19

Isolating in Canada (with a minor detuor to LA), both Harry and Meghan are trying to avoid interacting with others to help stop the spread of COVID19. Even when it comes to family matters!


Prince Charles (Harry's father) was recently diagnosed with COVID19. Upon learning of his positive test results, Harry wanted to be with his family in the UK. It was then that wife Markle, refused to let him fly overseas (with the associating travel restrictions in place). Along with Markle, Harry's father Charles also wanted him to stay put and assured him he'd be fine. Thankfully he was right! Just this morning (March 30th) , Charles was dismissed from isolation in their Balmore Estate in Scotland - as he is considered recovered. His wife Camilla however, still has a few days left in isolation - even though she never tested positive for COVID19.


How COVID19 Has Brought The Royal Family Together

With all the news and media attention on the betrayl of Harry and Meghan on the Royal Family, it seemed as though the strife between the family would take many years to mend. The COVID19 pandemic, dismissed the family feuds to focuss on what really matters - health, love and safety. After news of Charles' positive testing, both William and Harry (who had not been on speaking terms), were reported to be face timing with their father together and in positive spirits.


While Prince Charles is in the clear, Harry is still very worried for the safety and well-being of his beloved grandparents.


How Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip are Staying Safe During COVID19

Being in a high-risk category, both the Queen and her husband have been taking all necessary precautions to avoid coronavirus. The Royal engagements and events have been cancelled for the forseeable future. With their calendar's open and safety as a number one priority, both Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were moved to Windsor Palace to ride out the Pandemic.


Not completely in the clear, it has been reported that one of Queen Elizabeth II's aides was tested postitive for COVID19. While the Royals staff is quite large, it's unknown whether or not this (unammed) staff member had close contact with the Queen. However, this aide did test positive for COVID19 in London while the Queen was still residing in her permanent residence.


For now, both Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip are being monitored and watched until the end of the isolation period.


The Royal Family Staying Connected

While Harry and Meghan are riding things out in Canada, we may see a shift in prior Royal Family dynamics and relationships after the pandemic calms down. Will Harry and William stay connected and have a relationship? Will Meghan and Harry head to the UK? While these are all unknown, this pandemic shows that there truly is no lost love between the Royal Family.


Lifestyle Writer

A lifestyle & travel writer, who is often seen with a suitcase in hand jetsetting off to her next location.

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