If you like starting your day with fruit, you're in luck. Watermelon is a great fruit to incorporate into your diet, especially considering its anti-aging properties.
According to Byrdie, watermelon can benefit your skin by protecting it from free radicals, sun damage, and inflammation.
Byrdie explains, "Watermelons are chock-full of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that fends off cell-damaging free radicals. It also has a sun protection factor of 3, acting as a natural sunscreen (but don't forget to lather up with actual sunscreen, too!)."
Plus, "Studies show that watermelon also reduces inflammation."
Plus, watermelon has a high water content, so it'll help you stay hydrated--another important part of skincare.
Medical News Today explains, "Watermelon is around 90% water and also provides electrolytes, such as potassium. This makes it a healthful choice of snack during the hot summer months."
With all of this in mind, if you aren't already having some watermelon in the morning, it's a good time to start. Try adding a side of it to your favorite breakfast to keep your skin looking young and healthy.