The One App You Should Delete ASAP If Your Android Battery Is Always Dying

January 9, 2019 by Justine Schwartz


Does this sound familiar? Step 1. Download an app. Step 2. Never use it, but keep it on your phone nonetheless. Step 3. Delete it only when you run out of memory.

“As smart phone users, we do not think about the consequences of installing and running such apps on our Android, especially consequences on the battery,” Somdip Dey, Embedded AI scientist at the University of Essex, UK and researcher of Machine Learning on mobile platforms at Samsung R&D Institute UK, explains.

If your Android battery is always dying, you need to keep a closer eye on which apps are responsible–and delete them then and there.

"Go to Settings > Battery" Somdip explains. "If you do not see Battery, click About Phone > Battery Use. Then you should see a list of apps along with their battery consumption as a percentage of battery utilized."

"From this list you can track the application with the most percentage of battery utilization," he explains. "Often times, through research it is noticed the app which consumes most of the battery charge is either a social media app, email or a malicious app, which is continuously sending/receiving data in the background." Yikes!

Once you've identified which app from the list is the culprit, you can choose to delete it or switch to low-power consumption mode.

"If the app is a social media or an email app, that most obvious cause for the app to consume so much of the battery is that the auto-sync is turned On, which enables the app to constantly check for new updates on information, may that be a new email or a new feed on your social media platform," Somdip reveals.

"You can go ahead and switch off the auto-sync of the app from the settings and can save a lot of energy which could ultimately improve the battery efficiency," he says. Game changer!

"If the app is not a social media or an email-related app then it could be a malicious app, which is continuously sending/receiving data and deleting such application would not just improve your phone's battery efficiency but would also help you to protect yourself from privacy or security breach." Delete this app immediately.

So--there you have it: the app to delete if your Android is always running out of battery.


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