The One App You Should Delete ASAP If Your iPad Battery Is Always Dying

January 4, 2019 by Justine Schwartz


It’s great to have an iPad as a back-up device, especially if your iPhone is on low battery and you want to watch a show or listen to music for hours. But what if your iPad is also running low? The culprit might be one of the apps you’re running. Read on for the quick fix:

"It's no secret that the more apps you have running on your iPad, the more drain it will put on your battery," Burton Kelso, The Technology Expert tells us.

"In this day and age, who can live without apps, right? I know I can't. But if your iPad is experiencing problems with battery life and you don't want to invest in a new battery you probably need to delete Google Chrome," he warns. Say it ain't so!

Why is your favorite web browser app SO bad for battery life? "Although it's a great web browser, it is a memory hog," he explains.

"It's convenient because Chrome can synchronize your bookmarks, passwords and other information between multiple devices." But, alas--that's the problem.

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