Trail mix contains many nuts that are full of nutrients, healthy fats, and fiber. A one-ounce serving of almonds (about 23 almonds) has 163 calories and 15 grams of fat. Other common trail mix nuts include peanuts, walnuts, and cashews. All these nuts are high in calories and fat. Most recipes have a good about of dried fruits as well. Even though they contain sugar, it’s still a good source of nutrients and fiber.
Many recipes call for the addition of chocolate candies or yogurt covered raisins for added flavor. And, some recipes add oatmeal as a filler, along with honey to sweeten the batch. The problem with most trail mix recipes is the fillers and portion control.
Most people do not eat the recommended serving size of a quarter cup. Thinking that it’s a healthy snack, most will eat well beyond a serving in one sitting. Nuts and dried fruits are concentrated sources of calories, and trail mix is easy to eat by the handful.
If you can not control yourself with trail mix, then skip it and eat just the nuts by themselves or fresh fruit. Both options will fill up better due to the high amounts of fiber.