The One Ingredient You MUST Avoid In Your Eggs If You Want A Flat Stomach

April 11, 2020 by Hannah Kerns


Eggs are an excellent, health-conscious breakfast option. High in protein, very filling, and easy to customize, there’s a delicious egg recipe for pretty much anyone. However, some methods of cooking (along with add-on ingredients) can detract from the health benefits.

With that in mind, keep reading the one ingredient you should avoid in your eggs if you want a flat stomach!

Processed Meat

Processed meat, like bacon and sausage, might be tempting to add to your eggs, but doing so is not a great idea for weight loss.

Because they are high in salt and fat, these meats can make it more difficult to lose weight.

Processed meat is not the only ingredient you should be wary of when making eggs. It's also a good idea to skip the cream. Although many people swear by adding cream to their scrambled eggs for texture, the truth is that is does little to improve the taste of your eggs--and can add a lot of saturated fat to your meal.

It's also a good idea to be careful how much butter and oil you are using when cooking eggs, which can also detract from the health benefits.

With that in mind, sticking to the basics--or healthy add-ins like veggies--when it comes to eggs is a good idea.

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