The One Salad Dressing You Should Stop Using ASAP, According To Experts

August 19, 2020 by Hannah Kerns


Choosing a salad dressing might seem like an easy task, but if you are hoping to stick to a healthy diet, picking a dressing might be more complicated than you would think.

Many popular salad dressings and brands back in fat, sodium, and calories into their dressings. Although these may be flavorful, the truth is that they can override your healthy salad and turn it into something else entirely.

With that in mind, keep reading for the one salad dressing you should stop using ASAP.

Blue Cheese Dressing

According to Taste of Home, blue cheese dressing is one of the worst dressings you could use. One serving of this dressing (around 2 tablespoons), adds in a hefty amount of fat (and saturated fat) and sodium.

With that in mind, if you are choosing to top your salad with blue cheese dressing, you might be getting more than you bargained for--especially if you chose a salad as a healthy meal option.

Mashed explains, "With 150 of its 160 calories derived from fat, blue cheese dressing certainly qualifies as an indulgence."

If you are hoping for a relatively low fat meal, definitely plan on skipping the blue cheese dressing.

On the other hand, you could always try to make your own version of this staple salad dressing. Mashed recommends swapping in some nonfat Greek yogurt to keep this dressing more diet-friendly.

For example, try out this blue cheese dressing recipe from Show Me The Yummy! It cuts down on the calories and fat, making this dressing much easier to incorporate into any diet.

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