Drink Water Before Your Meal
Having some water before your meal can help you keep your weight in check as it helps prevent you from overeating.
According to Eat This, Not That!, this can help you feel fuller faster thereby making it easier to eat in moderation.
The article explains, "In a 2015 study, British researchers recruited 84 adults looking to lose weight. They broke the participants into two groups and instructed one faction to drink 16 ounces of water 30 minutes before eating, while the second group was told to simply imagine their stomachs feeling very full before a meal. After 12 weeks, the scientists weighed all of the participants and discovered the water-guzzling group dropped almost three more pounds than their imaginative counterparts."
What should you take away from this?
Eat This continues, "Scientists speculate the water drinkers faired better because drinking H2O helps people feel more full, naturally curbing their appetite and causing them to eat less."
With that in mind, if you are currently dieting and finding yourself overeating at dinner, you should definitely give this tip a try.
In addition, Eat This also recommends having a high fiber snack or even a salad before dinner. That way, you can fill up on healthier food, making it less likely that you'll overindulge in your meal.
Plus, after your meal you can try out this tip to help speed along digestion and prevent after-dinner bloat!