The One Thing You Should Never Order At Red Lobster, According To An Employee

February 24, 2017 by Tristen Zaryn

No doubt Red Lobster is an American classic (even Beyoncé seems to think so). With a wide assortment of seafood, to-die-for lobster bread and all you can eat crab, it’s no wonder the chain restaurant is a fave.

[Photos: Instagram/Flickr/Shutterstock]

If you are planning on taking bae out for an ultimate dine-in experience, there is something on the menu to avoid.

Don’t go for the Bar Harbor Lobster Bake. Oh no! 

At first sight, it may just look like a protein-rich plate of cooked underwater creatures, but with more than 3,000 mg of sodium it’s an absolute no-no. Because of the added linguini and pasta sauce, you would be stuffing down almost a day’s worth of calories.

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