The One Thing You Should Never Order At TGI Fridays, According To An Employee

March 6, 2017 by Tristen Zaryn

TGI Fridays has always been the spot for a nice, casual meal. From their mozzarella sticks to fries, TGI has a great variety on their menu for any kind of appetite.

[Photos: Shutterstock/Flickr]

Even though TGI Fridays has hooked me up with some yummy favorites over the years, there is one food that you should steer clear of when heading out for a meal with friends.

Don’t get the Jack Daniel’s Ribs and Shrimp! I know, I know, how can something that tastes so good be bad??

This is a prime meal if you are trying to sky rocket your blood pressure, because of the large amounts of salt. It’s also almost 1,800 calories, which makes McDonald’s cheeseburgers look healthy.

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