Shop Small
Choosing to shop at local, independent grocery stores is not only a good way to support them during this time, but it can also make grocery delivery easier (and more possible) for you.
Plus, they might have more availability when it comes to delivery windows. The New York Times recommends, "Call or check the websites of grocery stores in your area to see if they offer delivery—even if they haven’t in the past, many are starting to deliver now as demand increases. Not only will this help those businesses, it’s also good for local producers who supply those stores."
It's also a good idea to check with local restaurants in your area; many have started selling groceries in addition to their regular menu items. Some are even selling other essentials like toilet paper, paper towels, and plastic gloves.
The New York Times also suggests looking to small farms for your grocery needs: "If you have a local farmers market, try looking up the farms that sell there, to see if any are delivering produce or CSA boxes. The website Local Harvest also has a directory of farms, farmers markets, and CSAs that you can search by zip code."
With that in mind, looking toward smaller businesses is a good idea and it can help you find a delivery window for your groceries.