This Is Exactly How Much To Tip When You’re Ordering Takeout

January 16, 2018 by Lisa Cupido

You may have your restaurant tipping etiquette down to a science. You're tipping the wait staff at least 15 to 20 percent of the pre-taxed check — maybe even a bit more for exceptional service. 

But did you know tipping when ordering takeout is also good manners? Of course, the rules when ordering out are a little different. Here's everything you need to keep in mind when tipping for on-the-go orders. 

Photos: Shutterstock 

Tipping On Takeout: The Basics

Tipping is always voluntary, but most of us wouldn't dream of leaving our tables at a restaurant before leaving a healthy and fair tip for the hard-working waitstaff. 

In some cases, tipping for takeout is just as important. 

"I work at a restaurant where takeout is very popular," says Joanne, a waitress in Brooklyn, N.Y. "A lot of times I am putting in some work to get their orders ready — there are times when, if the place isn't busy, I am taking their orders over the phone. But few people tip on takeout because I don't think they know it's a thing to do." 

How Much Should You Tip On Takeout Orders?

Because tipping on takeout is mostly unchartered territory, many restaurants and waitstaff are unsure of how much to tip on to-go orders.

One of the best arguments in favor of tipping for takeout is to compare it to tipping a bartender who opens up a bottle of beer and hands it over to you. A restaurant worker is, no doubt, taking the same time to get your order ready and provide it to you. 

Of course, there's no rule on how much of a tip that requires. 

Peter Post, the managing director of the Emily Post Institute (pretty much the authority when it comes to etiquette) has this to say about tipping for takeout: there is "no obligation" to tip on takeout.

Hold that thought.

Post also says one should tip 10 percent for "extra service (curb delivery) or a large, complicated order." 

So, if you're just picking up a few slice of pizza, tipping is probably not necessary. But if your order involves a whole lot of substitutions and additions, and maybe a fleet of workers to deliver several bags and boxes to the front of the restaurant, tipping is a kind and courteous idea.

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