This Is How To Correctly Free Up Tons Of iCloud Storage Without Paying For More, According To An Apple Expert
April 30, 2024 by Lisa Cupido
If you’re running out of storage space, you’ll know it. You’ll receive a pop-up that alerts you to your dwindling storage situation. If you don’t address it then, the situation won’t get better. You’ll find yourself unable to do anything that requires significant storage space, whether that means taking photos and videos or downloading large files. Sooner or later your phone may stall and become ridiculously slow, to such all degree that you may contemplate throwing in the towel and paying any amount for extra space.
Put simply: a phone without storage space isn’t very useful.
Before you take out your wallet, consider alternatives that cost nothing at all. These simple and effective tricks for your iPhone can help you gain back valuable storage space without having to spend a dollar.
Delete Duplicate PhotosIf you’ve recently discovered that your phone has been taking duplicate photos, this could be a major reason why you’re lacking storage space. Open the Photos app, select all photos, identify the duplicate photos, and delete them.