5 Metabolism-Boosting Tricks To Add To Your Day For Faster Weight Loss

March 9, 2022 by Merrell Readman


Your metabolism is one of the most important factors in determining the ease of which you can lose weight, and with a faster metabolism comes the ability to achieve a healthy calorie deficit without depriving your body. The metabolism is dictated by a number of outside factors from genetics to your overall diet and exercise habits, but there are some small things you can integrate into your day to day life that will naturally speed it up with little to no added effort. 

Looking to lose weight in a healthy manner and naturally increase fat burn with ease? These are the top five tips you need to be following to see significant changes in your body without cutting out foods you love.

Drink Black Coffee

Not only can coffee give your body a boost of energy in the morning, but it can also function to improve the efficacy of your metabolism as well. “Black coffee without any sweetener or (much if any in the way of creamer) can increase metabolism as a result of its caffeine and polyphenols (antioxidants) in the coffee itself which is anti-inflammatory,” explains Dana Ellis Hunnes PhD, MPH, RD and author of Recipe For Survival. “This can increase metabolism a little bit (perhaps 1-2%) and make a slight increase in calorie burn.”

Your first inclination may not be to drink coffee black, and if you truly love adding a little sweetener in to cut through the bitter taste you should never sacrifice those small joys for weight loss. However, black coffee can be particularly useful for a quick enhancement of the metabolism. 

Try Plant Protein

While many forms of protein can serve your body in a variety of different ways, plant based protein may actually be particularly useful for increasing fat burn in the body and effectively speeding up your metabolism. “[Your body] requires more energy (calories) to digest proteins than it does other types of foods, the thermic effect of food is what this is called,” explains Hunnes. “When we eat plant-proteins which are anti-inflammatory, especially low-processed ones (tofu, edamame, legumes, seeds), our body has to work harder to digest the fiber (which it doesn't do well) and the proteins (amino acids).” 

Lean proteins such as chicken and turkey are still valuable additions to any diet if you do eat meat, but plant protein can be uniquely beneficial for a faster metabolism. 

Work On Muscle Building

The more muscle within your body, the more calories you will burn at rest which will in turn allow you to consume a higher volume of food while continuing to lose weight. “A pound of muscle will burn 10x as many calories per day as a pound of fat will,” says Hunnes. Focusing on strength training and building muscle can make your body a more efficient machine which will ultimately serve you well in your journey towards healthy weight loss. Cardio is still useful for this as well, but from a metabolic standpoint, strength training is the superior exercise.

Skip Crash Diets

You may be inclined to dramatically decrease your caloric intake in order to see weight loss results more quickly, but crash diets and cutting calories can actually make a significant negative impact on your metabolism and weight loss capabilities over time. 

“When in a calorie deficit, BMR (the energy your body needs at rest) slows down to conserve energy and protect organs. While it’s normal to see a decrease in BMR due to a decrease in body size, a larger drop beyond what would be predicted due to changes in body mass occurs with extreme calorie deficits,” explains Centr nutritionist, Angie Asche, MS, RD, CSSD. “To minimize the effects of these adaptations and help preserve lean mass, aim for smaller calorie deficits and ensure a slow change in weight.” 

Get Enough Sleep

In an unlikely connection to weight loss and metabolic rate, getting enough sleep is actually integral to maintaining a healthy metabolism. “Sleep is important, as sleep deprivation can alter glucose metabolism and hormones that regulate our appetite and metabolism, resulting in a decrease in leptin (satiety hormone) and an increase in ghrelin (hunger hormone),” explains Asche. As an adult you should be aiming for 7+ hours each night so you can put your best foot forward each day and achieve your weight loss goals in a healthy manner. 

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