Achieving fitness goals, especially weight loss, often requires discipline and consistency. While general fitness involves staying active, eating well, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, there are certain rules that fit individuals swear by.
These guidelines may not always be the most popular or easy to follow, but they are highly effective for shedding pounds and improving overall health.
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Jenna Rizzo, a women’s weight loss coach, recently shared four simple tips that fit people “live by” to help slim down your waistline. Keep reading to discover all her hacks.

1. Stay Active Throughout The Day
Rizzo shares that a key way fitness gurus stay fit and achieve their goals daily is by finding opportunities to stay active throughout the day. Even if their day calls for prolonged sitting, they will find a way to either get all their steps in or get a quick workout in between tasks.
"People that are in really good shape don’t just work out for an hour and then sit for the rest of the day. Find little ways throughout the day to just move, whether this be parking a little bit further away from the store, taking the stairs into the office instead of the elevator, or dedicating one or two nights out of the week to go on a family walk in the evening," she says.

2. Prioritize Sleep
The next tip is to prioritize recovery and sleep.
“You’re not going to find these people doom-scrolling on TikTok until 2 AM because they recognize that sleep is such a critical factor to weight loss," Rizzo adds.
This one resonates with me, as I often find myself scrolling through social media late at night, and before I know it, I’m craving a midnight snack and also losing out on sleep—something that wouldn’t happen if I had just closed my eyes.

3. Consistent Workouts
Rizzo isn’t just referring to intense workouts; she highlights the importance of consistency, regardless of whether the exercises are high-impact or low-impact.
“Have you ever gone super hard in the gym for like a week and then didn’t go back for four months? Low effort consistently will beat out high effort starting and stopping every time," she adds.

4. Sacrifice Doesn’t Equal Restriction
Finally, she notes that the last tip is “they recognize that sacrifice doesn't automatically means restriction.”
What does this mean? Rizzo says it can be difficult for most people to give up instant pleasure and gratification when it comes to their health journey. “Very fit people are not going to give in to short-term pleasures that do not serve their future selves. Sure, they might treat themselves every now and then, but it's the balance that they strike that really matters.”