The ‘Unhealthy Fat’ Doctors Say You Should Stop Putting In Your Body Because It Practically Guarantees Inflammation And Bloating
July 5, 2023 by Faith Geiger
Gut health isn’t just a buzzy wellness trend; it’s serious business. The health of your digestive system can play a significant role in nearly every factor of your overall wellbeing. Unfortunately, many of the foods we eat on a regular basis can be highly inflammatory, oftentimes disrupting our digestive systems and resulting in issues such as gas and bloating. In fact, there’s one type of fat in particular that sneaks its way into many foods that could be setting you up for gastrointestinal discomfort on a regular basis: trans fats.
To learn more about the dangers of trans fats, which are frequently found in popular processed foods, we spoke to Dr. Shara Cohen. She broke down the risks of regularly consuming trans fat-rich foods. Luckily, she also shared some healthy fats you can eat instead for optimal gut health. Find all of her expert insight below!