Why People Who Add This Surprising Spice To Their Coffee Have A Healthier Body And Flatter Belly, Doctors Say

December 2, 2023 by Faith Geiger


Coffee gets many of us through the day—and everyone has preferences for how they drink it. Unfortunately, although refined sugar is perhaps the most popular add-in out there, putting too much of it in your coffee could lead to serious health consequences. In fact, the same goes for many coffee ingredients. But there are a few tasty spices you could add to your morning joe that may actually help you lose weight, rather than stand in the way of your weight loss goals. That includes one option that might surprise you: turmeric.

Although many experts will tell you that plain old black coffee is the healthiest option, especially if you’re looking to lose weight, certain spices can kick things up a notch with some fantastic benefits. Turmeric is one of the best choices, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, metabolism-boosting properties. We spoke to experts Sheri Berger, RDN; Dr. Gretchen San Miguel, MD; and nutritionist Dr. Nancy Lin to learn more about why you should consider adding this unexpected spice to your mug for a flatter belly.

Turmeric for weight loss

Turmeric likely isn't the first thing you'd think of to add to your coffee every morning, especially if you like things on the sweeter side. It's more often found in cozy meals like soups and curries, thanks to its unique, earthy flavor. However, this famously yellow spice doesn't just taste great in coffee—it also serves up some incredible health benefits that can do wonders for your body.

For starters, turmeric is loaded with incredible antioxidants, which are crucial to your overall health and provide numerous waist-slimming benefits. "The antioxidant property of turmeric can help decrease insulin resistance, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and other metabolic conditions resulting from obesity," San Miguel explains. Amazing!

Many of the health benefits of turmeric are thanks to one active compound in particular, called curcumin, which can promote weight loss by boosting metabolism and fighting inflammation. "Turmeric contains a key compound, curcumin, that is linked to improved waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), and body weight according to several studies," Berger tells us.

Lin seconds this: "Spices [containing curcumin] have a thermogenic effect on the body and cause the body to generate more heat, thus burning more calories," she says.

All in all, you should take this as your sign to break up with sugar—and even artificial sweeteners, which come with their own health risks—and give turmeric a try.

If you'd prefer something a little bit sweeter, cinnamon is another great spice that can provide incredible benefits, including the potential to boost your metabolism.

Of course, it's important to remember that no single spice can work a miracle and give you a flat belly immediately. However, switching out your go-to, sugar-loaded coffee ingredients for a healthy option like turmeric is one small change that, when combined with other healthy habits, can add up to some great progress.

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