Ultra-processed, inflammatory pantry snacks are often convenient and tasty, but they can wreak havoc on your gut and digestion. These snacks are typically loaded with sodium, artificial additives, and unhealthy fats, which can lead to inflammation and disrupt your digestive system. Consuming these types of snacks regularly can contribute to poor gut health, bloating, and other digestive issues.
We checked in with Trista Best, a dietitian for Balance One Supplements, to learn about two snacks that are known for expanding your waistline and can also surprisingly damage your gut health. She revealed that Goldfish crackers and most potato chips are the sodium-loaded pantry snacks to steer clear of. Read on to learn more.

Goldfish Crackers
Goldfish crackers are made through extensive processing, which includes refining flour and adding various additives to enhance flavor, texture, and shelf life. This processing reduces the natural nutrient content of the ingredients. Plus, the combination of high sodium, unhealthy fats, and low fiber content can negatively affect the gut microbiome.
According to Best, "it is a little-known fact that [goldfish] can cause difficulty in gut health, leading to gas and bloating. They are made with refined carbohydrates and a high amount of sodium. Both of these make the body retain water while also feeding bad gut bacteria. This leads to unwanted gas, bloating, and dysregulation of glucose and insulin."
She further explains that the glucose and insulin spikes caused by Goldfish crackers can exacerbate the issue by triggering increased cravings and overeating, "which will make the present gas and bloating worse, ultimately."

Potato Chips
Potato chips undergo extensive processing, including slicing, frying, and seasoning. This process strips away many of the natural nutrients found in potatoes and adds unhealthy ingredients.
Potato chips are typically loaded with salt, contributing to high sodium levels. Additionally, the oils used in frying potato chips are often high in unhealthy trans fats and omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation in the body.
If these are not enough reasons to put down the bag of potato chips, consider that excessive sodium intake can lead to water retention and bloating, making digestion uncomfortable.
"Potato chips are traditionally processed and fried with added sodium or artificial flavors," Best says. "The consumer may also use [high-fat] dips or cheeses when eating them and is likely to mindlessly eat them without noticing the quantity."