The Unexpected Beverage Doctors Say You Should STOP Having Because It Slowly Destroys Your Metabolism
November 30, 2019 by SheFinds Health
Everyone knows that exercise and a healthy diet are the key to weight loss. So if you’ve been following a healthy eating plan and consistent exercise plan to try to lose weight yet don’t seem to be losing any weight, you are probably very frustrated. You might be surprised to know that this can be very common among people trying to lose weight, yet the reason is something you’d never guess.
When you’re trying to lose weight, cutting added sugar out of your diet, or minimizing your sugar intake, is imperative. Sugar is very detrimental to your health since it puts empty calories into your diet and can turn into fat if the energy isn’t used.
But, you might still be bringing added sugars into your diet without realizing it by drinking something that most people think is healthy: iced tea.