
These 2 Unexpected Breakfast Foods Actually Slow Your Metabolism And Make You Gain Weight, According To Experts

December 9, 2023 by Faith Geiger
shefinds | Food

Starting each day off on the right foot with a nutritious, energy-boosting breakfast is one of the most crucial steps you can take towards a healthier body—especially if you’re trying to shed a few pounds. Luckily, there are many fantastic options to choose from. However, not every food that seems healthy is actually good for you. In fact, there are many popular breakfast choices that could be harming you rather than helping you as you navigate your weight loss journey, including a few that may surprise you.

To discover a few unexpectedly unhealthy breakfast foods that could be taking a toll on your metabolism, spiking your blood sugar, and making it difficult to lose weight, we spoke to health experts Krutika Nanavati, dietitian, and Lisa Richards, nutritionist and creator of The Candida Diet. They told us that flavored yogurt and store-bought smoothies are better left on the shelf if you’re looking to slim down. Learn more about the risks of each below.

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cups of flavored yogurt

1. Flavored yogurt

Don't be mistaken: oftentimes, yogurt makes one of the healthiest breakfast foods around. However, sweetened, flavored varieties present an issue. It's no secret that consuming too much sugar can lead to a range of health issues, and flavored yogurt could be packing a surprising amount of it into your daily diet.

"Excessive sugar consumption, even in the morning, can lead to insulin spikes, promoting fat storage and potentially impairing metabolic function over time," Richards warns. "Moreover, some flavored yogurts may lack the fiber necessary for sustained energy, causing a rapid rise and fall in blood sugar levels, which can affect metabolism negatively." Yikes!

yogurt at grocery store

Fortunately, there are tons of healthy yogurts that taste great, too. Plain Greek yogurt, for example, is packed with health benefits. "Opting for plain, low-sugar yogurt or incorporating additional fiber and protein sources into the breakfast may help mitigate these potential metabolic effects, ensuring a balanced and nourishing start to the day," Richards says.

Nanavati seconds this, recommending that you "sweeten plain yogurt with natural sweeteners like fruits or honey if desired." Perfect!

smoothies at grocery store

2. Store-bought fruit smoothies

Smoothies are often seen as one of the healthiest breakfast options out there—and this isn't necessarily false. When you throw the right ingredients into your blender and steer clear of refined sugar, preparing your own smoothie can be a great way to support healthy weight loss. However, store-bought smoothies often present a different story.

Nanavati warns that sweetened fruit smoothies can lead to a slower metabolism and weight gain. If you take a quick look at the nutrition label of most of the popular smoothie brands, you'll find on store shelves will reveal a shocking amount of calories and harmful ingredients. Oftentimes, they're loaded with sugar. Consuming this first thing in the morning could spike your blood sugar, trigger insulin resistance, and potentially result in metabolic issues that ultimately lead to extra pounds.

smoothies at grocery store

"Choose healthy smoothies made with whole fruits, plain yogurt, and a touch of honey to avoid blood sugar spikes and crashes," Nanavati instructs. There are so many healthy recipes to choose from!

Ultimately, maintaining a healthy diet is largely about prioritizing whole foods, limiting your intake of processed options, and, of course, practicing moderation. That's not to say you can never enjoy a cup of strawberry yogurt or your favorite bottled smoothie again. But when you cut back on sugary choices like these, pay attention to nutrition labels, and stay conscious of what you're putting into your body, you'll be well on your way to the body of your dreams.


Editorial Assistant

Faith Geiger is a New York-based writer and editor. When she's not covering the latest in health and wellness for SheFinds, she spends her time watching reality TV with her roommates, browsing used bookstores, and enjoying live music. You can reach Faith at [email protected].

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