4 Foods No One Should Be Ordering At A Restaurant Anymore In 2020 Because They Ruin Your Metabolism

January 8, 2020 by Hannah Kerns


Although you can eat pretty much anything in moderation, sticking away from certain foods can be a smart idea if you are trying to lose weight. At restaurants, this can be especially challenging but it is equally important. In order to make it easier to figure out what to order next time you dine out, we figured out which metabolism-ruining foods you should absolutely avoid.

Read on for the 4 foods no one should be ordering at restaurants in 2020!

Spaghetti Carbonara

Although you probably know you're indulging when ordering a pasta dish, the sauce you choose can have a surprisingly powerful effect on the overall healthiness of your meal. Steering clear of carbonara sauce in particular is a good rule of thumb when it comes to eating out.

According to WebMD, this pasta dish can be loaded with calories, fat, and sodium, making for a dangerous combination.

Fried Rice

Even though we can all agree that fried rice is delicious, it could be playing a major role in preventing weight loss. This dish is especially dangerous since it is typically loaded with soy sauce (which is full of sodium), and you have no idea just how much they put in the dish.

Burger and Fries

Indulging in a burger and fries--even just once in awhile--can be harmful for your metabolism and overall health. Fries in particular have a huge amount of saturated fat, which are important to stay away from in any diet, but especially if you are trying to lose weight.

Overall, this meal is an indulgence that could lead to future trouble for your health.

Caesar Salad

Just because you order a salad, does not necessarily mean you are doing your weight loss goals any favors. Caesar salad in particular is one meal you should definitely cut out of your rotation.

Specifically, Caesar dressing is high in calories and can elevate your cholesterol. With that in mind, staying away from this salad is a good way to keep yourself on the right track to achieve sustainable weight loss.

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