The Viral ‘Botox In A Bottle’ Beauty Hack That A TikTok Nutritionist Swears By

July 10, 2023 by Marissa Matozzo


Are you looking for an alternative to Botox injections or plastic surgery for anti-aging? It’s no secret that your diet is crucial when it comes to the health and appearance of your complexion, and a TikTok nutritionist has recently gone viral for sharing her unique “Botox in a bottle” juice shot.

In a highly viewed video uploaded last month, New York-based nutritionist Maty Harrington whips up her concoction and explains how it apparently gives all the benefits of Botox without ever having to undergo facial injections.

No Need for Botox: Expert Says This Anti-Aging Juice Shot Can Benefit Your Skin

In her June 11th TikTok post, Harrington began by confessing to her 532.7K followers: “I used to waste so much money on my skincare, and I soon came to realize that your skin is just a reflection on the nutrients you’re putting in your body.” She added: “And some hormones.”

With that said, Harrington then detailed each ingredient in her mix, and noted that a juicer isn't even needed as she used a blender. She started it all off by throwing in one half of a green apple. "One medium apple has 14% of the daily recommended daily Vitamin C intake," she said. She went on: "I prefer green because it’s less sugar."

Up next, she tossed in two beets while telling viewers that this vegetable is a "nutritional powerhouse." She claimed: "They’ve been seen to help with aging, reduce pigment and fight against acne." Her next addition was one quarter cup of aloe vera juice.

According to Harrington, this ingredient is anti-inflammatory and often used to treat conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis. For another hydrating food, she added chopped cucumber bits.

Next, she used a handful of mint leaves, which she said are "known for their antiviral and antibacterial properties." She continued: "I’ve noticed that they really help with my dark spots." For the very last step, she added one half of a lemon and two cups of filtered water. She blended everything up and then strained her mixture so it would be smooth.

"Save some money on Botox, and drink this instead," she concluded as her one-minute clip came to a close. Commenters shared that they planned to try out her "Botox in a bottle" hack, with one writing: "I’ll literally make anything you suggest." Another replied: "Making this." One other chimed in: "Alright, I’m influenced, to the grocery store I go."

According to the Mayo Clinic, Botox injections are "shots that use a toxin to prevent a muscle from moving for a limited time." These can be costly and time-consuming, Harrington stressed that your diet is a vital aspect of anti-aging, making a healthy juice recipe worth a shot, in our opinion!

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