The One Vitamin You Should Be Having Every Morning To Get Rid Of Rosacea And Redness, Once And For All
October 15, 2021 by Robyn Turk
There are many imperfections that might plague your skin, yet one of the most annoying is rosacea. This common ailment results in a blushed or flushed appearance that tends to stick around for some time. Many people deal with rosacea or redness on a daily basis, as it can be caused by an array of factors ranging from diet to immune responses. Some people even experience rosacea as a result of emotional stressors or exercise.
“The redness of rosacea is often triggered by a combination of inflammation and is often associated with prominent blood vessels which can dilate and trigger flushing,” board-certified dermatologist Dr. Marisa Garshick tells SheFinds. “Some people find triggers to include hot or spicy foods, extreme temperatures, sun exposure, alcohol that contribute to rosacea and worsen redness.”