5 Essential Vitamin C-Rich Foods For Smoother, More Radiant Skin, According To Dermatologists
1. Pomegranates
Factor notes that you’ve probably heard the saying, "you are what you eat." When it comes to "how well your skin ages, this is especially true," she says. She adds that pomegranates are "high in anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties" that may "improve the skin’s elasticity and protect against skin damage and premature aging."
Eating just one pomegranate gives you about "28 mg of vitamin C," according to WebMD, which is almost "50 percent of your daily recommended intake." Adding more vitamin C to your diet through pomegranates can "be effective at preventing the onset of wrinkles," Factor continues.
She stresses that this eating this nutrient, along with "drinking plenty of water, protecting your skin from the sun, not smoking, and managing your stress" plays a key role when it comes to "keeping your skin healthy and youthful."
2. Tomatoes
When thinking of an accessible superfood to add to one's diet for skin health, Chacon recommends tomatoes.
"Tomatoes are fantastic components that may be used in a wide variety of recipes," she says, adding that "they are also regarded as a fantastic skin-friendly superfood." They are high in beta carotene and vitamin C, she explains, which "contributes to this in part."
3. Spinach
Spinach contains "calcium, chloride, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, choline, folate, riboflavin, and vitamins A, C, E, K, B6," which Kung says are all vital regarding the appearance of your skin, hair and nails. "Foods that contain vitamins A, C, E and carotenoids are wonderful for skin health and prevent skin aging because they are potent antioxidants," Kung adds.
She tells us that vitamins A, C, E and E prevent "discoloration and pigmentary changes that ages our appearance." Vitamin C in particular, she reiterates, is a "really important part" of collagen synthesis.
4. Blueberries
Since it isn't possible to completely prevent wrinkles from forming with age, staying hydrated and eating a myriad of nutrient-rich fruit is key to maintain a youthful glow. One fruit that is linked to supporting collagen synthesis and that contains healthy antioxidants is blueberries.
Loucas explains that they are "thick in antioxidants, which help protect the skin from daily environmental and internal insults." Additionally, blueberries are rich in vitamin A & C, and the latter fights collagen breakdown.
Loucas says that blueberries are also well-known to have anti-inflammatory properties. "Inflammation is a common denominator for many skin ailments including photoaging, eczema, acne, and rosacea, just to name a few," he points out.
5. Oranges
According to Akhavan, the presence of vitamin C in orange juice serves to promote the synthesis of collagen. Therefore, incorporating orange juice into your regular diet has the potential to enhance skin elasticity and promote a more youthful appearance.
"Citrus fruits like oranges are excellent sources of vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis as it helps convert amino acids into collagen," he explains.
The Bottom Line
Wrinkles are unavoidable as we get older, but as dermatologists tell us, our diet and skincare regimen can reduce their prominence. It's important to embrace aging, but we can still prioritize looking and feeling good at any age.
Maintaining healthy skin can greatly improve our overall wellbeing. Experts suggest consuming nutrient-rich foods like tomatoes, oranges, pomegranates, spinach and blueberries as they all promote collagen production for optimal skin health.