The One Life-Changing Vitamin You Should Be Having Every Morning If You Have Crow’s Feet
July 31, 2021 by Brooke Hardington
Wrinkles are an inevitable part of aging, and there’s nothing wrong with some wrinkles here and there!
Wrinkles are a natural part of the human experience, bringing personality to your face and signifying a life well lived. But in many cases, tiny wrinkles like crow’s feet can also be a source of insecurity, and it’s natural to wish for a smoother, wrinkle-free complexion.
These wrinkles form due to factors like age and sun exposure. As you get older, your skin loses elasticity and produces less natural oils, which dries it out and triggers wrinkles. You also lose fat in your face, causing lines and saggier skin. While you obviously can’t turn back the clock, adopting healthy lifestyle habits and applying sunscreen daily can go a long way, as can taking supplements. But which vitamin is the best for decreasing the look of fine lines and wrinkles? We consulted with the experts to find out.