Security Experts Reveal The Warning Signs That Someone Is Tracking Your iPhone: Suspicious Apps, More

November 15, 2024 by Lisa Cupido


It’s one of every iPhone user’s worst nightmare scenarios: you’re carrying on with your phone, using it the way you typically do (and that includes sending private messages, shopping, and banking) and you find out someone has actually been tracking you on your device. This means they have access to data they shouldn’t have, including your locations. Creepy, you think — what can I do about this?

To keep your personal safety secure and reduce the amount of your data that’s out there, it’s important to know which common signs can alert you to the possibility that someone is tracking you via your iPhone.

Tech experts from Payette Forward offer several tips — signs that someone is tracking you right now. If these three signs sound familiar, stop what you are doing and change all of your passwords immediately.

1. Your Camera and Microphone Are Always On

Your camera and microphone should only be on when you give your phone permission to turn them on, such as when you are in a Zoom meeting. If you’re noticing a green dot appearing in the top-right corner of your screen or a small orange dot when an app is using the microphone, and you didn’t give your permission for this to happen, someone could be listening in and spying on you.

2. Your Emails Are Being Forwarded

You may only discover that your emails are being forwarded to another address when you actively look on your email server for this sign, but it’s a surefire way to prove someone is tracking your iPhone activity.

Open Gmail on your desktop and click the gear icon in the top right, then select See all settings. Go to the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. Check to see if there is a forwarding address set up. If you do spot an email address listed under "Forwarding," your emails are being forwarded to that address.

The good news is that there is an easy fix: remove the forwarding address.

3. Suspicious Apps

Some apps are created to spy on people via their phones. If someone has been able to access your phone, even for a few minutes, they could have downloaded an app that spies on you and gives that information to the person tracking your activity. Spyware like mSpy and Flexispy aren’t available on the Apple Store or Google, but those in the know can download these apps via their websites. Check your list of apps to see if there are any suspicious apps you didn’t download and remove them immediately.

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