In fact, Meghan had also received negative press attention in 2019, following The Mail on Sunday's publication of a personal letter written to her father. According to the newspaper, the letter was made public in response to a People article in which anonymous friends of Meghan misrepresented the contents of the letter.
Afterwards, the royal couple announced that they would be pursuing legal action against the newspaper for publishing the personal letter without Meghan's permission. The newspaper, on the other hand, alleges that the contents of the letter are part of the public domain--considering they were mentioned in a previous article.
Most recently, however, it was announced that Meghan's father, Thomas Markle, would testify on behalf of the paper in the lawsuit. With their already strained relationship, this announcement seems to be guaranteed to put more distance between Meghan and her father.
Despite this recent news, it seems as though Meghan and Harry's plans to relocate to Canada--and split their time between there and the UK--remain unchanged.
Markle is already in Canada with their dogs and their son Archie while Harry continues to work out the logistics of their exit (nicknamed "Megxit") with the rest of the royal family and the Queen.