It’s a tale as old as time: you want to lose weight so naturally you turn to a diet to save the day. From keto to paleo and everything in between, there are a vast number of eating plans that are pre-laid out for you to follow as you work to transform your body and feel good in your skin.
However, it may come as a surprise that dieting is not necessarily the best thing for your body, and can actually have some significant negative effects over time as you restrict groups of food in the name of weight loss. We spoke with Angela Fitch, MD, FACP, FOMA and chair of Jenny Craig’s science advisory board to understand the implications of dieting on your body, and exactly why you may still be gaining weight despite the strict diet you’re following.

Unsustainable Restriction
The idea of dieting is simple–you cut back on the number of calories you’re consuming, creating a deficit that will result in weight loss. While this may seem like an easy solution, dieting, particularly in the case of eating plans such as paleo and keto, is heavily dependent on cutting out major food groups and restricting your body of ingredients that may actually be good for you in moderation.
Oftentimes, if you’re attempting to follow a strict diet you may find yourself indulging in treats in excess on your “cheat” days, reducing the efficacy of your eating plan and throwing your body out of whack. “Many people attack weight loss in an all or nothing fashion and end up sabotaging themselves. They sometimes tend to restrict themselves too much (which is the nothing mentality) and then overeat (which is the all mentality) vs. setting realistic goals that allow them to have times when they enjoy some foods that are not as healthful in moderation instead of over indulging,” explains Fitch.
The issue with dieting is that it tricks your brain into believing that there are certain foods which can be categorized as “good” and “bad” and eating the wrong ones can instantly create negative results in your body. Therefore, when you tell yourself you can’t have those bad foods but eventually give into them from cravings, it becomes that much more difficult to eat in moderation when it feels like the last time you’ll ever be able to enjoy it.

“In the long run [people] may tend to gain weight given the over consumption of high calorie foods,” notes Fitch. Instead of completely removing large groups of food from your diet i.e. carbs or sweets, allowing yourself to eat these foods in moderation will help to create an eating plan which is more sustainable for the longer term.
If you’re really struggling to find eating habits that work for your lifestyle and don't feel oppressive and restrictive, turning to a company such as Jenny Craig to help craft a personalized meal plan can help to take the stress and guesswork out of your eating. However, generally eating balanced meals with a source of protein, carbs and healthy fat in a controlled portion size will allow visible results without eliminating large swaths of food from your life. “The first thing you can do is not be on a diet but rather set goals for a better nutritional plan and build in support so you can maintain structure and consistency,” suggests Fitch.
The biggest takeaway when it comes to creating a healthy eating lifestyle is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to weight loss. What works for one person may not work for you, so finding a plan that you can stick to that doesn’t feel overly restrictive or create an unhealthy relationship with food is ideal for achieving results that you can maintain.
Following a diet that’s too strict will likely see you gaining the weight back once you stop dieting, so changing your lifestyle to enjoy treats in moderation while focusing on whole, nutrient dense foods 80% of the time will allow you the best results in the long term.