If you're looking for something to aid your weight loss then you can look no further than to a probiotic supplement. While you can turn to fermented food and drinks, like yogurt and kombucha, for probiotics, you probably consume only so much of them. Consider taking a supplement to upgrade your probiotic consumption. Read on to find out the one probiotic you should take for weight loss, according to a dietitian.
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Lisa further dives into why it's so essential to take probiotics for more reasons than just aiding your weight loss. "Your gut flora makes up 70-80 percent of the human immune system -- making it so important to regulate in our everyday lives," Lisa says. "Having a bacterial imbalance can lead to numerous health issues including arthritis, constipation, diarrhea, feelings of depression and anxiety and overall poor nutritional status."
You should also consider the time of day that you're taking your probiotic. While taking a probiotic supplement at any time of the day is better than not taking one at all, there are some times of the day that are more effective for your gut than others. It's highly recommended to take a probiotic when you're full and when there's food in your stomach for the probiotic to react to, so a probiotic around dinnertime is best.