This story has been updated since it was originally posted on 1/12/23 to include more expert insight.
High-carb foods are typically seen as a no-no when it comes to weight loss. An excessive intake of processed, refined carbs can certainly take a toll on your body. You may even have been advised to avoid carbs in your diet as much as possible if you’re aiming to lose weight fast. But what happens to your body if you cut out carbs altogether, or limit your intake to the absolute bare minimum? Although this may sound like a good idea, health experts stress that it can do some serious damage to your health.
As it turns out, carbs—healthy ones—are a crucial component of a balanced diet. They provide the body with glucose, which is then converted into energy used to support your body and physical activity. We spoke with Dana Ellis Hunnes, PhD, a senior clinical dietitian at UCLA medical center, assistant professor at UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, and author of Recipe For Survival, Shelley Balls, MDA, RDN, LDN, and Jamie Nadeau, a registered dietitian and nutritionist to find out how cutting them out completely could effect your body. Find all of their expert insight below.

Harmful effects of cutting out carbs
In order to understand what carbs do for your body and how cutting them out will harm you, it's important to understand what, exactly, carbs are. "Carbs, short for carbohydrates, are long chains of carbon-containing molecules, a.k.a. sugars that are found in plant foods," Hunnes explains. "When we consume and digest these plant foods, including grains, fruits, vegetables, (and dairy) we break them down into more simple sugars, known as glucose, fructose, and galactose (dairy). Our bodies use these sugars to fuel our cells."
"Carbohydrates are one of the macronutrients (there are three of them: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats). Macronutrients are where we get all of our energy (calories) from. Carbohydrates break down to their simplest form, sugar, to give your body energy," Nadeau agrees.

It's no secret carbs are one of the most delicious food groups. But there are some carbs, like pasta, bread, and potato chips, that are actually very bad for your health. They can lead to chronic inflammation, gut issues, weight gain, and more.
However, it's important to note that just because some carbohydrates stall weight loss, that doesn't mean you should never eat carbs again. It's just not healthy, because, Hunnes says, "our muscle cells and our brain cells live off of glucose. If we do not have glucose in our body, we start to break down muscle and fat and turn them into alternate fuel sources that are not as efficient at being used." There's no need to cut carbs out of your diet completely. You need healthy carbs, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, in your diet to maintain your energy.

"Cutting out carbs completely from the diet can be very detrimental for many reasons," Balls warns. "If all carbohydrates are cut out of the diet, your energy levels will plummet, you might feel dizzy and have headaches, you may experience constipation, gut bacteria will be altered, and the eating plan is not sustainable long term." Yikes!
She reiterates that "A better route to go for weight loss is to focus on limiting simple or refined carbohydrates such as snack foods, white bread, candy, sweetened drinks, etc." Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, like those found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables "are actually going to help you lose weight as they have dietary fiber, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and so much more that will aid in weight loss efforts."

Nadeau agrees, noting that these are full of nutrients that are great for our health. "Instead of cutting out carbs, I recommend being mindful of the ones that you're choosing regularly. Choosing high fiber carbohydrates helps to stabilize blood sugar and helps to make your meal more satisfying." Good to know!
Well, there you have it! Experts agree that completely removing all carbohydrates from your diet is not only impossible but also extremely unhealthy. Instead, try and cut out refined carbohydrates, like potato chips, that only harm your body. This can reduce inflammation, improve gut health, and promote an overall healthier body!