We Asked An Expert: Should You Wipe Down Packages That Come In The Mail?

April 30, 2020 by Justine Schwartz


With non-essential business closed during the global novel coronavirus pandemic, many of us are resorting to shopping online for everything from household cleaners to soft bras and toilet paper (if we can find it).

I will be the first to admit that the packages are piling up on my door step. But every time I receive a new one, I have the same inner dialogue: Should I leave it outside? Should I wipe it down with Lysol? Can COVID-19 live on cardboard surfaces?

Even though I am practicing every CDC guideline, I still question the process every time.

If you're like me, an avid online shopping who just wants to know the answer, here's what the experts are saying. It's actually SO easy and straight forward!

"If you receive deliveries spray them down with a disinfectant that's on the Environmental Protection Agency's List of Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2," infectious disease physician Dr. Jeanne Breen tells us.

Ah, yes--that's why you've seen products like Force of Nature spray sell out completely on Amazon! (Don't worry--it's still in stock on their website

"Have your delivery personnel leave all deliveries outside," Dr. Breen tells us. "Spray packages with Force of Nature, removing and disposing of as much packaging as you can before bringing the contents inside."

That last steps? "Spray down your mailbox handle, doorknob and door handles and countertops daily and after handling deliveries," Dr. Breen says. And of course, wash your hands!

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