Quick And Easy Workouts Fitness Experts Swear By To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

August 2, 2022 by Louise Ferrer


Aside from trying to lose belly fat, another common concern that perhaps most people can relate to is getting rid of flabby arms. According to Livestrong, “Flabby arms are usually caused by carrying extra body fat, although they can also materialize after a sudden weight loss that leaves you with loose-feeling ‘flabby’ skin on your upper arms.” They also note, “If you think your flabby arms are the result of weight gain, that bonus jiggle develops because your body stores extra calories in the form of fat just under your skin.”

Now if you want to get rid of flabby arms and boost your weight loss efforts, health experts recommend eating less calories and increasing your physical activity. As far as exercises are concerned, following workouts that are aimed to tone your arms is a good place to start. Keep reading to know more.

Arm Circles Forward And Backward

How To: For this exercise, you can opt to use weights (or bottles or soup cans) for a little extra challenge. Alternatively, you can simply lift your arms and move them in a circular motion, 10 times forward and 10 times backward.

Lateral Lifts

How To: With your weights, keep your palms facing your body and slowly lift your arms as your palms face the ground. Move your arms up and down while squeezing your shoulder blades.

Bicep Curls

How To: Bring your arms up from the lateral lift and allow your palms to face the ceiling. Curl your arms inward and bring them out back to the side. Make sure to keep your arms up and that they don’t go any lower than your shoulders.

Military Press

How To: From your bicep curl, you can lift your arms up above your head and slowly bring them back down.

For more arm exercises and to see how you can do them in detail, watch the video below.

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