Apple Experts Say These Are The 4 Worst Charging Mistakes That Are Putting Your iPhone At Risk

May 4, 2023 by Lisa Cupido


Update: this post has been updated since it was originally published on May 28, 2022.

There are only a few ways to charge your iPhone — but a number of ways you could be charging it wrong. 

How and when you charge your device can mean all the difference between a phone that stands the test of time and enjoys the strongest battery connection possible or one that slowly but surely loses its battery power, fizzing out until you’re left with a device that you’ll have to charge every few hours just to keep it going throughout the day. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. Get a handle on these worst charging mistakes that are putting your iPhone at risk (according to Apple experts who are in the know) and you’ll be one step closer to your most functional iPhone yet.

Using Public Charging Stations

Therese Gomez, an award-winning technology and lifestyle writer at GizmoGrind, knows well that we’ve all been there before — our phone is running low on battery, and we’re nowhere near a charger. “So, we take advantage of a public charging station, plugging in our phone and giving it a much-needed boost,” Gomez says. “But this is where everything could go downhill.”

Since public charging stations are, well, public, Gomez reminds us that they’re open to being hijacked by hackers who can then steal your data. “This is called ‘juice jacking,’ and it’s a serious problem,” Gomez says. “Hackers set up fake charging stations, or they’ll tamper with real ones, adding malicious hardware or software that can take over your phone when you plug it in. Once they have control of your device, they can do all sorts of things, like install malware, steal your data, or even take over your camera and microphone to spy on you!”

Furthermore, even if the charging station isn’t hacked, Gomez says you might be plugging in a cheap counterfeit charger to your phone, which can damage your phone’s battery. “So next time your phone is running low on battery, it might be better to find another way to charge it – like carrying a portable charger with you,” Gomez says. “That way, you can avoid the scary potential risks of public charging stations.”

Charging Your Phone Overnight

Hate to sound like a broken record, but no list of charging mistakes would be complete without this one: charging your iPhone overnight is simply a bad idea, according to Tech Expert Luke Lee, Co-Founder of Ever Wallpaper.

“When you charge your iPhone overnight and leave it plugged in for hours on end, it has a chance to overheat, which can lead to battery damage and shorten its lifespan,” Lee says. “iPhones are designed to work with a specific range of voltage levels and charging current, which are determined by the iPhone model and its battery capacity. When an iPhone is connected to a charger that doesn’t provide the correct voltage or current, it can damage the battery or cause the phone to heat up excessively. If you charge your iPhone overnight, it will be exposed to these conditions for an extended period of time, which could lead to problems. In addition, leaving your iPhone plugged in for long periods of time can also degrade the battery’s performance over time.”

If you must charge overnight, Lee advises making sure to disconnect your iPhone as soon as it reaches 100%. “Allowing it to stay plugged in for any longer than that could put unnecessary strain on the battery and cause it to degrade faster,” Lee says. “I recommend charging your iPhone during the day, or whenever you can keep an eye on it. That way, you’ll know when the battery is full and can avoid overcharging.”

Using Fake Charging Accessories

Using fake charging accessories is another common charging mistake for iPhone users, according to Tech Expert Ros Geller at

Technographx, “Cheaper, non-certified charging cables and adapters can harm your iPhone’s battery,” Geller says. “These fake accessories can overheat, short circuit, or even cause your iPhone to catch fire. To ensure your iPhone’s safety, always use Apple-certified charging accessories.”

Not Cleaning Your Charging Port

Finally, if it has been a minute since you cleaned your iPhone — specifically, its charging port, your ability to effectively charge your device may be affected. “Dust, lint, and debris can build up in your iPhone’s charging port over time, causing charging issues,” Geller says. “If you experience problems charging your iPhone, it’s crucial to clean the port. Use a soft bristled brush or compressed air to remove any dirt or debris. Avoid using sharp or metallic objects as they can damage your phone’s charging port.”

Avoiding these four mistakes is a simple way to help your iPhone maintain its ability to charge quickly and efficiently. 

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