When choosing a cooking spray, make sure to check the ingredient list. Although many sprays have the oil itself as the primary ingredient, some may have a less straightforward combination of ingredients that might surprise you. Some brands contain artificial flavors.
That's not all. According to Food Network, "It's also common for cans to be filled with additives like soy lecithin (a no-no for soy folks with soy allergies) and propellants like nitric oxide."
The article continues, "Propellents called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were once commonly found in spray cans but are now used less often. Excessive exposure to CFC is harmful to your health and the environment so check those labels and looks for CFC-free brands."
With that in mind, if you aren't careful, you might be getting more than you bargained for when picking out a cooking spray.
Plus, just because these sprays might be lower in calories and fat per serving does not mean you should load up on them.
If you spray for longer amounts of time (which you might be tempted to), the calories and fat in these sprays will start to add up.
It's also a good idea to keep the type of cooking oil in mind when choosing a spray. Sticking to healthier options like avocado oil or olive oil is a good way to make sure you know exactly what you're getting; just don't forget to check the ingredient list no matter what your pick is!