7 Worst Costco Buys Right Now: ‘Disappointing’ And ‘Bland’

February 25, 2024 by Faith Geiger


There’s no denying that Costco has some of the best deals on the best items around—the store is beloved for a reason! However, no store can excel in every area. There are a few Costco items that shoppers online warn you’re better off leaving out of your cart. Below, we’re rounding up some of the worst-reviewed choices you might want to avoid on your next shopping trip, from blueberry bagels to a new food court item.

1. Blueberry Bagels

While blueberry bagels may sound tasty in theory, the unfortunate truth is that many customers say Costco's variety aren't worth your money. The store's blueberry bagels have recently returned to shelves after a few years of hiatus, but it may not be the for best. "These were just okay for me. The blueberry flavor was subtle. It didn’t taste right with cream cheese and was better with butter and cinnamon on it. Not terrible but wouldn’t buy again," one Redditor wrote. Noted!

2. Mama's Choice Fried Calamari Snack

Fried calamari is one of our favorite appetizers, despite the health risks associated with fried foods. So it should be good news that Costco now sells Mama's Choice fried calamari snacks—but for $13, are they worth it? According to shoppers, the answer is no. Mashable noted that the appetizer was chewy, with too-thick breading. Sad!

3. Grazing Mix

When you're craving something salty, there's nothing like a good old snack mix. Costco offers some of the tastiest snacks around, but unfortunately, shoppers warn that Bassé grazing mix isn't one of them. Mashable warns that the plastic packaging of this snack, which consists of dried fruits, nuts, pretzels, and crackers, traps extra moisture and renders the crunchy components stale. Luckily, there are plenty of other tasty options to choose from at the warehouse.

4. Crispy Potato Corn Dogs

As delicious as Crispy Potato Corn Dogs sound, Costco members have expressed disappointment in this frozen food. @costcofoodreviews on Instagram wrote that "this corn dog was lacking some flavor," and was disappointed to find a lack of hot dog in the middle. Make note: there's only mozzarella cheese at the center of this "corn dog"! "Was so disappointed. So bland and cheese was weird consistency," one commenter lamented.

5. Non-Stick Pan

An all-in-one non-stick pan from Costco sounds like a dream come true—and as it turns, it may actually be too good to be true. Comments of an Instagram post by @costcobuys express disappointment in this product. "I’ve had this pan since October and it’s the least non-stick pan I’ve ever had. Skip it. It’s a pain to clean. Everything sticks and I’ve pretty much just gone back to my stainless pans because they’re so much easier to clean," wrote one unsatisfied customer. Sounds like you're better off saving your money!

6. Kirkland Signature Bacon

Who doesn't love some crispy bacon in the morning? If your family goes through this breakfast meat quickly, you may be tempted to buy a big pack of Kirkland Signature Bacon at Costco. However, although there are tons of high-quality Kirkland Signature items out there, shoppers have recently complained about the declining quality of their bacon. "I’ve returned one batch bc it tased so off," wrote one Redditor. "I’m ready to switch back to H‑E‑B or Wright bacon as it’s not as good but it’s better than the new flavor that’s in the Costco stuff."

7. Turkey Swiss Sandwich

There's a new Costco food court item in town—but not everyone is excited about it. If you were hoping for the return of the Turkey & Provolone sandwich, we've got sad news. The new Turkey & Swiss doesn't seem to compare. Online, customers are expressing their disappointment. As one comment put it: "Just another cold and dry sandwich. Instant pass. I’m sure it will also cost more than the old toasted turkey provolone. It’s going to be another failure." However, only time will tell.

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