
These Are The Best And Worst Ways To Prepare Eggs If You Struggle With Chronic Bloating, Health Experts Say

July 23, 2022 by Faith Geiger
shefinds | Food

This post has been updated since it was originally published on July 19, 2022.

Eggs are one of the most beloved, classic breakfast foods out there—and as it turns out, they also have ton of health benefits thanks to the fact that they can pack in protein, keep you fuller longer, and help boost your metabolism. However, it’s important to pay attention to the ingredients you’re adding to the mix, especially if you struggle with chronic bloating. There are many foods out there that can cause or worsen digestive issues like gas and bloating, and that may include some of your favorite omelet or scramble ingredients.

To discover the worst egg ingredients you should keep out of your pan if you want to avoid these problems, we spoke to nutritionist and chef Corrie Duffy of Corrie Cooks. First of all, Duffy emphasized the fact that “some people are egg intolerant,” meaning they don’t have the proper enzymes to break down this tasty food, which could be the source of gas and bloating. These people should avoid eggs together. However, there are also a few other foods that can make matters worse when added to your plat. He pointed us towards a few possible culprits: onions, garlic, beans, and lentils.


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Onions And Garlic

Unfortunately, as delicious as onions and garlic can make any meal—including some scrambled eggs or an omelet—Duffy says these two popular ingredients can worsen digestive issues like bloating. This is due to the fact that they contain a type of carb called fructans. Fructans, which are also found in vegetables like cabbage and broccoli, are not easily broken down by the enzymes in our body. For this reason, they can be difficult for some people to digest.

Heads up: Fructans are also common in breads and whole grains, so if you think you have an intolerance, it's best to eat your eggs without a side of toast, as well. This food will also be an issue if you're allergic to gluten. As Duffy points out, "we mostly eat eggs with bread and wholegrains like wheat, rye, barley etc., which contain gluten. This causes gas and bloating if a person is gluten intolerant," he warns. Yikes!

Beans And Lentils

Although less common than onion and garlic, other ingredients you may want to keep out of your eggs (especially if you struggle with bloating and gas) include beans and lentils. While they offer many health benefits, they can also be detrimental to your digestive health because they contain a sugar called raffinose. Just as with fructans, Duffy explains that raffinose "is not easily broken down by our body and as a result it causes gas."

Of course, a bit of gas isn't a serious health issue at the end of the day, so a little bit of beans or onions mixed in with your eggs won't kill you. However, if you want to keep your digestive system as happy as possible and avoid painful bloating, it's best to leave these ingredients off of your plate.

The Best Way To Prepare Eggs

According to naturopath and general family practitioner Dr. Yelena Deshko, "The healthiest cooking methods do not add extra oils or butters (as eggs are naturally high in saturated fats). Cooking processes such as boiling, poaching or baking help you reap the nutritional benefits of eggs without increasing the fat and calorie content."

As reported by Insider"Poaching contains less fat and fewer calories than frying or baking, as it requires less heat and added oils. [Additionally,] boiling an egg keeps the yolk intact, containing all the nutrients in one stable location."

If you find that you're intolerant of eggs altogether or simply don't want to eat them without the added flavor of these gassy ingredients, Duffy offers some gut-healthy alternatives: "Try to have something else like porridge or fruits for breakfast in the morning," he suggests. Got it!


Editorial Assistant

Faith Geiger is a New York-based writer and editor. When she's not covering the latest in health and wellness for SheFinds, she spends her time watching reality TV with her roommates, browsing used bookstores, and enjoying live music. You can reach Faith at [email protected].

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