The Worst Foods You Should Cut Out If You’re Borderline Diabetic

September 6, 2023 by Faith Geiger


If you have prediabetes, it’s extremely important to stay on track with a healthy, balanced diet in order to keep your blood sugar levels healthy. You should take prediabetes as a warning sign and get serious about your eating habits so that you don’t cross the threshold into diabetes, which can result in a range of other health complications, including heart disease, kidney problems, nerve damage, and more. Of course, one component of your diets to consider is the amount of sugar you consume. In addition to your typical sugar-loaded treats, there are also several other foods experts recommend cutting out as much as possible.

To shed some light on a few of the worst foods to avoid if you’re prediabetic, we spoke to nutritionist Krutika Nanavati. She told us that refined grains, sugary drinks, and fried foods are among the biggest culprits. Read on to learn more about the risks of each.

1. Refined Grains

Refined grains are, in general, some of the worst foods for your health overall. Nanavati says that you should especially avoid them if you are concerned about your blood sugar levels and your risk of diabetes.

"Foods like white bread, white rice, and processed breakfast cereals are refined grains that have been stripped of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals," she warns. "These foods have a high glycemic index and can cause rapid blood sugar spikes, which can lead to insulin resistance over time." Yikes!

Instead, choose whole grains. "Whole grains provide more nutritional value than refined grains due to their higher content of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Eating whole grains can help to keep blood sugar levels stable and reduce the risk of diabetes," Nanavati tells us.

2. Sugary drinks

As refreshing as a sweet beverage can be, it's a bad idea to indulge in drinks like fruit juice, soda, energy drinks, sweet tea, and more if you are prediabetic.

"Sugary drinks, such as sodas and juices made with added sugar are a major source of empty calories," Nanavati points out. "They can cause an intense spike in blood sugar levels due to their high sugar content, which can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of developing diabetes."

Luckily, there are plenty of low-sugar beverages you can enjoy as a healthy alternative.

3. Fried foods

We probably don't have to tell you twice that fried food is never the best option for your health. There are many risks at hand when it comes to this type of food, but high blood sugar levels are one major issue to consider, especially if you have prediabetes.

"Fried foods, such as French fries and chicken tenders, are often loaded with unhealthy saturated fats," Nanavati says. "These types of fats can increase blood sugar levels, which can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes."

Instead, opt for lean proteins, as well as baked options (like baked veggies) over fried varieties.

The bottom line

Of course, indulging in the occasional sweet treat from time to time won't necessarily result in diabetes. However, if you are prediabetic, limiting your intake of these foods as much as possible is very important to your overall health. Your body will thank you for making healthy swaps and keeping your blood sugar under control.

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