The 3 Worst Foods You Should Cut Out If You’re Suffering From Digestive Issues

August 23, 2023 by Faith Geiger


Digestive issues are never fun. Whether you’re dealing with chronic bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea, experiencing digestive discomfort on a regular basis is something that no one should have to deal with—but unfortunately, many of us do. Luckily, there are a few things you can do in order to improve digestion and keep these roadblocks to a minimum. In addition to adding gut-healthy foods to your diet, it’s also important to be aware of the foods that could be exacerbating the issue by throwing your gut microbiome off balance.

To discover a few of the worst ones out there, we spoke to dietitian Trista Best. She told us that you may want to consider cutting out sugary breakfast pastries, artificial sweeteners, and fried foods to see an improvement in your digestive health. Read on to learn more about how each of these could be impacting your gut.

1. Breakfast pastries

Who doesn't love a good donut, croissant, or Danish? Unfortunately, as tasty as breakfast pastries are, Best says they can be terrible for your gut. "This food is hard on the gut primarily due to the added and refined sugars used to create them," she says.

It's no secret that refined sugar could lead to many health risks, and that includes poor digestive health. "A diet high in this type of sugar promotes gut dysbiosis and imbalance of gut bacteria," Best warns. "Added sugar refers to only those sugars that have been added to the product in the manufacturing process while total sugars refers to added and natural sugars. They are a source of food for bad gut bacteria which causes an imbalance and overgrowth of this bacteria."

Guess we'll have to kiss our morning pastries goodbye! Luckily, there are plenty of healthy breakfast foods out there that can keep your taste buds happy without loading your body with added sugar.

2. "Diet" foods with artificial sweeteners

You may think that foods that contain artificial sweeteners—especially those labeled as "diet"—are better for you than those made with refined sugars. However, as it turns out, artificial sweeteners could be just as bad for you as the alternative.

"[Diet] foods are commonly made with artificial sweeteners in an attempt to lower the amount of calories and added sugar they contain," Best notes. "Unfortunately, while they may reduce calories in a food, that increases the likelihood of gut dysbiosis." For this reason, choosing natural sweeteners whenever possible is always your best option.

3. Fried foods

There are many reasons you're better off staying away from fried chicken and its crispy counterparts. Best says you can add poor digestion to that list. This is largely due to the oils that foods are fried in, which can do some serious damage to your gut.

"[Fried food] wreaks havoc on the entire gastrointestinal system," she warns. "From reflux to unwanted changes in bowel movements, the fat and refined carbs from flour used to create these foods are harmful for gut health."

If you want to enjoy something similar to your fried favorites without putting your health at risk, consider trying out some air fryer recipes!

The bottom line

There are many things to consider as you work towards optimal gut health, but your diet certainly plays a major role in digestion. By limiting your intake of harmful foods like these, you'll be one step closer to a healthier digestive system and greater comfort.

READ MORE: Experts Agree: These Two Types Of Protein Are Ruining Your Gut

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