
9 Worst Foods Dietitians Say You Should Stop Eating To Avoid Insulin Spikes And Weight Gain: Bagels, Bacon, And More

August 11, 2024 by Mariam Qayum
shefinds | Food

Insulin spikes can play a significant role in weight gain and metabolic issues. When blood sugar levels rise rapidly, the body releases a surge of insulin to manage the increase. This condition can disrupt metabolic processes, promote fat storage, and contribute to weight gain. Certain foods, particularly those high in refined sugars and simple carbohydrates, can exacerbate insulin spikes and make weight management more challenging.

We checked in with Lisa Richards, nutritionist at The Candida Diet; Destini Moody, registered dietitian and certified specialist in sports dietetics; Shana Abraham, NASM certified personal trainer and Precision Nutrition certified nutrition coach; dietitian Catherine Gervacio; Jesse Feder, a registered dietitian and personal trainer at My Crohn’s and Colitis Team; and registered dietitian Krutika Nanavati, to learn about nine of the worst food options when it comes to insulin resistance and weight gain. They revealed that some of the worst choices are bagels, bacon, sugary coffees, french fries, and more. Read on to discover all nine.

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variety of cereals

1. Cereal

Breakfast cereal, with its myriad of flavors, textures, and choices, has long been a staple of the morning routine for many. These convenient and often tasty options seem like a quick and healthy way to kickstart the day. However, it's essential to consider the link between breakfast cereal and weight gain, along with other health problems such as a sluggish metabolism and insulin resistance.

While some boast of their health benefits and whole-grain goodness, others hide excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates behind clever marketing.

"Cereals are often very high in sugar and low in fiber, which means they pass through your digestive system quickly. Fiber keeps you feeling fuller for longer, which helps control your food intake and prevent weight gain. It also causes slower digestion which means a slower release of energy into your bloodstream throughout the day. Even brands like Special K and Life, which are heavily marketed as weight loss friendly cereals, have the same low amount of fiber found in the common sugary brands like Frosted Flakes," Moody says.

powdered donuts with jam

2. Donuts

Donuts, with their fluffy texture and sugary glaze, are a beloved indulgence for many. Often fried in unhealthy oils, donuts are a double whammy of refined carbohydrates and trans fats. These ingredients, combined with the frying process, create a perfect storm for health issues.

Refined carbohydrates, found in the dough, rapidly spike blood sugar levels, leading to insulin resistance over time as the body struggles to manage glucose effectively.

Richards states that "donuts have a high content of refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients. They are typically made with refined wheat flour and packed with added sugars, causing a rapid rise in blood glucose levels when consumed. This sudden spike in blood sugar triggers a corresponding surge in insulin to regulate sugar levels, which can be harmful to the body in the long term and lead to insulin resistance."

bagels and cream cheese

3. Bagels

Bagels are often made from refined flour, lacking the fiber and nutrients found in whole grains. The high glycemic index of these refined carbohydrates can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels, followed by crashes that may trigger increased hunger and cravings.

"Refined carbohydrates like bagels lack fiber and can lead to rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar. Opting for whole-grain or alternative flour options can provide sustained energy and aid in weight loss," Abraham reveals.

french fries on table

4. Fast-food French fries

French fries are typically high in unhealthy fats, refined carbohydrates, and sodium, all of which can disrupt metabolic processes. The excessive intake of refined carbs and unhealthy fats can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels, causing the body to produce more insulin.

"French fries contain trans fat that contributes to inflammation and insulin resistance by interfering with the normal function of insulin," Gervacio says. "Also, trans fat is linked to an increase in visceral fat, which is stored around internal organs."

Instead, she says to "prepare French fries at home instead and bake them." However, "It’s also best to have boiled potatoes instead or opt for sweet potatoes for a lower glycemic index food."

skillet of bacon

5. Bacon

High in unhealthy saturated fats and sodium, bacon can lead to metabolic disturbances when consumed in excess. The high fat content can promote weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, while the sodium can cause water retention and increase blood pressure.

"Bacon is a type of meat that is processed and may contain artificial ingredients that disrupt the metabolic process and contribute to insulin resistance," Gervacio says. "This disruption can lead to imbalances in hunger and satiety signals, potentially promoting overeating and weight gain."

woman grabbing candies

6. Candies

Sweet candies are loaded with refined sugars that cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. These sugar spikes prompt the body to release large amounts of insulin to manage blood sugar levels.

Gervacio warns, "Consuming excessive refined sugar can spike blood glucose levels, leading to insulin resistance over time."

Luckily, sweet treats such as dark chocolate and fruits provide a healthier alternative. "Better yet, focus on whole fruits for sweetness," Gervacio suggests.

white bread

7. White Bread

White bread is a staple in many diets, but when you consume white bread, your body rapidly breaks down the carbohydrates into glucose, causing a spike in blood sugar levels. This spike triggers a surge in insulin production to help regulate blood sugar.

"Refined carbohydrates like white bread can cause rapid strikes in blood sugar, promoting insulin resistance and weight gain," Gervacio notes.

soda aisle

8. Soda

Sugary sodas are a major source of added sugars in many diets. Consuming these beverages has been associated with the development of insulin resistance, a slowing of metabolism, and unwanted weight gain.

"Sugar-sweetened sodas are typically very high in sugar and calories," Feder warns. "They do not offer any real nutritional value and can be quite addictive due to their appealing taste. The high amount of sugar and calories can easily add on stomach fat and prevent weight loss."

Moreover, these liquid calories often don't provide the same sense of fullness as solid foods, leading to increased overall calorie consumption.

starbucks coffee

9. Sugary Coffees

From flavored lattes to frappuccinos, specialty coffee drinks often contain copious amounts of refined sugars or sweetened syrups to enhance taste, leading to detrimental effects on blood sugar and visceral fat. Additionally, the high calorie and fat content of specialty coffee beverages can lead to excess calorie consumption and weight gain, particularly in the abdominal region.

"Many popular coffee drinks are loaded with syrups, whipped cream, and other sweeteners, drastically increasing their caloric and sugar content. The combination of high sugar content with fats increases insulin levels, promoting the storage of belly fat and impairing glucose metabolism," Nanavati notes.


Editorial Assistant

Mariam is an Editorial Assistant at SheFinds, covering everything from celebrity fashion to health and wellness. A true city girl at heart, she splits her time between New York and Philly, bringing that hustle and creativity wherever she goes. With a resume packed with internships and editorial roles, she's built a solid expertise in the field. When she's not writing, pitching, or obsessing over the latest TikTok trends, you can find her hanging with family, cooking up something delicious, or dreaming about her next travel adventure. You can reach Mariam at [email protected].

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