3 Things You Should Throw Out Of Your Fridge And Freezer Because They Practically Guarantee Belly Fat

April 4, 2023 by Faith Geiger


If you’re trying to lose weight and achieve a flat belly in time for summer, it may be time to do some spring cleaning—and we’re not talking about your garage. While you may be stocking up on healthy foods at the grocery store, when was the last time you went through your fridge and freezer to clear about any tempting, fattening foods? From frozen dinners to high-calorie condiments, our fridges are often full of less than healthy items that could set us back in our weight loss goals. Luckily, we’re here with some expert advice to help you clear some space for more nutritious options.

To discover a few of the worst items that could be lurking in your fridge and leading to belly fat, we spoke to Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Krutika Nanavati. She told us that you’re better off throwing out mayo, soft drinks, and frozen pizzas. Learn more about the health effects of these products below!


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1. Mayo

If you're looking to clear fattening foods out of your fridge, one of the first places you should check for culprits is the condiments in the door. And unfortunately for those of us who love to spread some mayo on our sandwiches, Nanavati warns that this is one of the worst high-calorie options. "Mayonnaise is a food that has a high fat content and should be eaten sparingly," she says, pointing out that it's "made from oil, egg yolks, and mustard or vinegar and can be very high in calories." The real issue here comes from how much of it we typically consume, which may be well over the recommended amount. If you can't give up mayo altogether, stick to light options and use a small amount. Healthier condiments include mustard, hummus, or even an olive oil vinaigrette.

2. Sugary soft drinks

Keeping your sugar intake to a minimum is essential if you want to lose weight. One major source of sugar you may not consider the effects of is the beverages you drink. Unfortunately, many of the soft drinks and juices you find at grocery stores are loaded with sugar. "Many people tend to consume sugary drinks such as soft drinks, soda and fruit juices which can also lead to an increase in belly fat," Nanavati tells us. "They are usually high in calories and sugar, which can lead to weight gain around the midsection over time." Instead, try out sugar-free teas, seltzers, or just plain old water to quench your thirst. Your body will thank you!

3. Frozen pizza

There's no denying the convenience of a frozen dinner. And who doesn't love a tasty, cheesy frozen pizza? Unfortunately, Nanavati reminds us that this food is packed with processed, unhealthy ingredients that can make it difficult to lose weight. "Frozen pizzas are often laden with unhealthy fats and oils that can increase your waistline when consumed in excess," she says. "The high sodium content in frozen pizzas can also cause water retention that adds extra inches to your midsection." If you want the benefits of frozen food without the additives, try cooking and freezing some nutritious homemade meals to save yourself some time later on without sacrificing nutrition. 

The bottom line

Losing weight is a comprehensive process; in addition to limiting your intake of fattening foods, you should also ensure you're eating all the nutrients your body needs and working out in order to burn fat. But when you clean up your diet by cutting out unhealthy foods like these, you'll be one step closer to the body of your dreams.

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