Snacks are a fun and convenient option to keep hunger away and get a quick boost of energy. But there are good snacks and bad snacks. Certain high-calorie snacks may satisfy your cravings, but they can also impact your blood sugar levels and cause unwanted weight gain. These snacks are usually loaded with sugar, refined carbs, and empty calories.
We checked in with several health experts to break down the seven worst high-calorie snacks to avoid if you want to keep your blood sugar in check and achieve a slimmer waistline. According to them, some of the worst culprits are donuts, energy bars, smoothie bowls, and more. Read on to discover all seven.

1. Donuts
The biggest issue with these soft and glazed treats is the high content of refined sugar and simple carbs. The sugar in donuts enters the bloodstream, which causes a spike in blood sugar levels. They’re also high in unhealthy fats, which will contribute to weight gain if eaten in excess.
Renato Fernandes, a clinical nutritionist from Saude Pulso, bluntly says, "They’re delicious, they look great in pictures, and they’re so much fun to eat—but they’re a virtual disaster for blood sugar and weight management. Donuts are loaded with sugar and fat (especially those with cream filling or a glaze)."
He further explains, "I’m reluctant to ever say ‘never’ when it comes to food, but when it comes to donuts, I’d really suggest ‘never’. If you’re craving a snack, why not try a piece of fruit, some veggies, or a little bit of whole grain? And if you’re craving something sweet, how about half a banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter? It’s a neat trick; the protein and healthy fats in the peanut butter slow down your body’s absorption of the carbs from the banana, so your blood sugar increase is slower."

2. Potato chips
Although an extremely popular snack, these crunchy bites are also high in simple carbs and unhealthy fats. These salty chips are very calorie-dense and easy to overeat, which is bad news for both your blood sugar and weight.
"This one's a classic snack that's hard to put down. These are the snacks that are impossible to stop eating, calorie-dense, fat-laden, spike your blood sugar with their high glycemic index, crash your energy, and likely drive you to snack again as your blood sugar plunges. The snack-crash cycle can easily up your daily calorie consumption while also triggering your body to store more fat, especially around your middle," Fernandes says.

3. Smoothie bowls
This one may come as a shock, but smoothie bowls may not be as healthy as they look. Marketed as a healthy snack, smoothie bowls are packed with sugary ingredients.
Johanna Angman, registered dietitian nutritionist, notes that they are "loaded with sugars from fruit juices, honey, and granola toppings. While the base ingredients like fruits and seeds have nutrients, their high sugar content is rapidly absorbed, leading to sharp glucose spikes. This insulin response not only drops blood sugar soon after but also encourages fat storage, especially in the abdominal area, where excess glucose is easily converted into fat."

4. Frozen yogurt
Frozen yogurt is another snack that's often advertised as a healthy treat. Similar to smoothie bowls, these yogurts are full of artificial sweeteners, especially if you're buying commercially-made ones.
Angman adds that "frozen yogurt, marketed as a low-fat alternative to ice cream, is another problematic snack. Most frozen yogurts are sweetened with added sugars, which are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream."
She says "many consumers top their yogurt with sugary toppings like candies or fruit syrups, exacerbating the blood sugar spike. High insulin secretion, triggered by the sugar load, leads to increased fat storage, making regular consumption a clear contributor to waistline expansion."

5. Energy bars
Energy bars are another treat that most people think are harmless. Although seen as a nutritious morning snack, some of these bars could be compared to candy bars with how much sugar and carbs are added to them. They’re packed with excessive calories and sometimes low-quality ingredients that do nothing for your health.
"Energy bars, especially those high in refined sugars and artificial ingredients, are also misleading. While they are marketed for convenience and energy, many contain simple carbs and sugars that cause rapid blood sugar elevations. These quick sugar surges, coupled with their calorie density, can disrupt metabolism and encourage fat storage in the midsection. Moreover, the hyper-processed nature of these bars affects satiety, often leading to overeating later in the day," Angman reveals.

6. Ice cream
Ice cream is a beloved sweet treat that can comfort everyone, regardless of age. With its variety of flavors and creamy texture, ice cream can be easy to overeat. This can be detrimental to your blood sugar and waistline because they usually contain a large amount of both sugar and fat.
"Ice cream has enormous amounts of sugar and fat. Such sugar contents are responsible for blood sugar spikes, while the fat leads to easy weight gain," Monelle Burrus, family nurse practitioner and health expert at Verve Health, says.

7. Sugary drinks
If you thought drinks were safe, think again! Sugary beverages such as soda, fruit juice, and sports/energy drinks are nothing but liquid sugars.
Jordan Anthony, registered dietitian at Ahara says, "If you're going to stay away from one high-calorie food item when you're trying to lose weight, focus on sugary drinks. Anything with lots of carbohydrates is likely to lead to weight gain; these foods put so much energy into your bloodstream so quickly that your body can't properly use it all and stores the excess as fat. Sugary drinks are the fastest to absorb because there's nothing else to them."