1. Barbecue Sauce
Barbecue sauce contains a high amount of sugar, which causes glycation, which form something called AGEs that bind to proteins and can affect the elasticity and function of collagen and elasticity. BBQ sauce also is high in calories and has artificial additives like artificial colors and preservatives that can be potentially negative to your overall health. Skip the sauce altogether or only use it on occasion (and sparingly) if you can.
2. Processed Meat
Processed meat snacks and foods like beef jerky and bacon are high in dehydrating sodium and can increase inflammation, which can accelerate skin damage and other conditions like acne. Processed meats can also cause glycation and disrupt the healthy balance of gut bacteria, which has a direct effect on your skin’s health and appearance.
3. Donuts
Donuts are high in refined carbohydrates, which rapidly convert into sugar in the bloodstream and can increase inflammation. They’re very high in sugar and cause glycation, as well, and they don’t make up for all of that sugar with nutritional benefits, as they’re low in vitamins and minerals.
4. Soda
Soda is more or less all sugar, which causes glycation and inflammation in the body. Despite its status as a refreshing beverage, the high sugar content in sugar can actually dehydrate you, especially if it contains caffeine as well. Diet sodas aren’t any better — they contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame and Sucralose that can create insulin sensitivity and disrupt gat bacteria.
5. Candy
It’s not a surprise, but eating a lot of candy raises your glucose levels, creates glycation that can accelerate skin aging, and causes inflammation in the body.
6. White Bread
White bread is made with refined flour that has a high glycemic index and raises blood sugar levels. It is also low in fiber and nutrients and can create inflammation and gut bacteria disruptions. There’s nothing at all wrong with eating white bread and making it a part of your diet, but balancing it with more high-fiber foods can help your overall health and skin.