
7 Worst Types Of Meat That Cause Abdominal Fat, According To Dietitians: 'Extremely High In Fat Content'

June 30, 2024 by Faith Geiger
shefinds | Food

It’s no secret that diet plays a pivotal role in our weight management and our overall health. The accumulation of fat isn’t just a cosmetic concern; it is a significant risk factor for various health conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Abdominal fat is often associated with visceral fat, which surrounds internal organs and can lead to serious health issues. The foods we eat, especially the types of meat we consume, can either contribute to or help reduce this dangerous fat.

Certain meats are notorious for being high in unhealthy fats, calories, sodium, and preservatives, all of which can contribute to weight gain and the buildup of abdominal fat. To maintain a healthy weight and minimize belly fat, it’s essential to make informed dietary choices. To learn more, we spoke to nutrition expert Catherine Gervacio, who provided insights into some of the worst types of meat for abdominal fat and offers healthier alternatives. Here are seven meats to avoid to help keep your waistline in check and improve your overall health.

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hot dogs on grill

1. Hot Dogs

Who doesn't love to get grilling in the summer? When barbecues roll around, hot dogs are arguably the most popular choice of protein—but they're also problematic for your health. "They are high in saturated fats, sodium, and preservatives," Gervacio explains. "Therefore, they contribute to increased calorie intake and inflammation, resulting in fat accumulation." For a healthier alternative, she suggests a lean meat like chicken or turkey breast. "They can be grilled or baked and served in a whole-grain bun. For a plant-based option, a grilled mushroom is a good idea. Simply marinate and grill a portobello mushroom cap and serve it on a whole-grain bun!" Yum!

fried chicken

2. Fried Chicken

Although grilled chicken is one of the best protein choices for weight loss, fried varieties are another story. Fried chicken is a classic favorite, but it’s loaded with unhealthy fats and calories. "This classic favorite is coated in batter and deep-fried, making it high in unhealthy fats and calories," Gervacio says. "And since it has a lot of calories and fats, it promotes weight gain and visceral fat storage." She recommends opting for grilled or baked chicken instead, using healthy oils like olive oil.

corned beef

3. Corned Beef

Sorry, St. Patrick's day lovers! Although undeniably delicious alongside some cabbage, corned beef is another meat that can contribute to abdominal fat. "Corned beef is commonly preserved with salt and high in fat," Gervacio notes. "Excess sodium and fat lead to weight gain and water retention," among other health risks. Instead, she suggests going for lean roast beef or sautéed lean ground beef, which are healthier and tastier options.

pork belly

4. Pork Belly

We love some good pork belly, but unfortunately, this tasty meat is extremely high in fat content, making it a significant contributor to belly fat. "It adds to a significant abdominal fat accumulation due to high-calorie density," Gervacio explains. For a healthier alternative, she recommends using lean pork loin or tenderloin, cooked with minimal oil.

ribeye steak

5. Ribeye Steak

Steak makes for a decadent, delicious meal, whether you're out to eat or perfecting your recipe at home. But it isn't just your wallet that this meat can put a strain in; Gervacio says it's in your waistline's best interest to limit your intake. Ribeye steak, in particular, is known for its rich flavor, but it’s also the fattiest cut of steak. "It is high in saturated fats and calories," says Gervacio. "Similar to other fatty foods, it contributes to excess calorie intake, which leads to fat accumulation." She advises opting for lean cuts such as sirloin, tenderloin, or flank steak instead.


6. Duck with Skin

Similar to steak, duck is a popular high-end meat that can cost you more than just money. In addition to the meat itself, the skin can pack a real punch when it comes to fat, making this a less than favorable choice for your weight loss goals. "Duck is high in fat, especially saturated fat, compared to chicken," Gervacio says. "Eating it regularly can result in the accumulation of visceral fat." A better option is skinless chicken breast or fish, which are much leaner and healthier.


7. Salami

We're big fans of a good charcuterie board, but that sad truth is that overindulging in cured meats like salami is a bad idea for anyone looking to shed some pounds or avoid weight gain. Salami, like many processed meats, is high in sodium and saturated fats. "High-calorie density and sodium lead to bloating and fat gain," Gervacio points out. She suggests going for plant-based alternatives. "Plant-based sausages made from vegetables, legumes, or grains are typically lower in fat and calories and offer a good source of fiber. Many brands offer plant-based sausages that are tasty and have a similar texture to traditional salami." Got it!

steak on grill

Bottom line

While it's always okay to treat yourself to your favorite foods every once in a while, avoiding these seven types of meat can help reduce your risk of developing abdominal fat and improve your overall health. By opting for leaner cuts and healthier cooking methods, you can enjoy delicious meals without compromising your well-being. Remember, small changes in your diet can lead to significant improvements in your health and waistline.


Editorial Assistant

Faith Geiger is a New York-based writer and editor. When she's not covering the latest in health and wellness for SheFinds, she spends her time watching reality TV with her roommates, browsing used bookstores, and enjoying live music. You can reach Faith at [email protected].

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