The Worst Messenger App To Use On Your iPhone, According To Tech Experts

January 25, 2022 by Lisa Cupido


At a glance, messenger apps seem like they’re pretty much all the same — they serve the exact same function, after all. But considering how many messenger options there are out there from which to choose, you’ll want to be sure you aren’t relying on apps that can be draining on your battery or that aren’t as useful as they could be. This is the worst messenger app to use on your iPhone, according to tech experts (who also have a few good recommendations on some of the best). 


What could be so wrong about iMessage, the app that literally comes with your iPhone and is probably one of the most popular to use? It is limited in what it can do and who it can serve, says Tech Expert Morshed Alam, founder and editor at Savvy Programmer

“The worst messenger app to use on your iPhone is Apple’s own iMessage. It’s a built-in app that comes pre-installed on all iPhones, and it’s one of the most limiting apps because it can only be used to communicate with other people who are also using iMessage,” Alam says. 

In a nutshell: if you try to send a message to someone who isn’t using iMessage, your message will be sent as an SMS text message, which is charged at your standard text messaging rate, Alam reminds us. “And if the person you’re trying to message is using an Android phone instead of an iPhone, they won’t even be able to receive your messages,” Alam says.

Another messenger app to avoid? Viber. 

“This year, Viber is the messaging app iPhone owners shouldn't use on their devices,” says Ryan Yount, founder of LuckLuckGo, a software company for GPS protection tools. “One of the main problems is that many users have issues while activating the app, confirming that your sim card is valid. This app requires an extra inspection to access its features, such as receiving incoming and outcoming calls.”

Yount says the app is not popular, and you won't communicate with people lacking the app. “In addition, users complain that the desktop version fails to work, which further shows why it's a waste of time,” Yount says. 

Both Yount and Alam agree on a better messaging app to use: WhatsApp, which Yount says is efficient and makes communication much more accessible. 

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