3 News Apps No One Should Be Using Anymore In 2020, According To Experts

June 6, 2020 by Somdip Dey


When the whole world has retreated to their home because of the novel coronavirus lockdown, most people are trying to stay as up to date on news as possible to get to know what’s happening around them. However, given the choice of so many news apps available today the more important question which pops up in our heads: which one to download and which one to delete from your smartphone? To answer this question, we reached out to tech experts around the world to seek their opinion on the 3 news apps that no one should be using anymore in 2020. Without further ado those apps are:


According to Jennifer Willy, Editor of Etia.com, “There are many apps that are outdated at this point in time or have been taken over by other useful apps, software, and web-based apps. When it comes to news apps, many alternatives have cropped-up in the scene. One of the oldest ways to keep up with the news, in this digital world, was through the Reddit app.” Willy continues, “Reddit app was launched recently in the year of 2016 and it quickly became one of the best ways to experience Reddit on Android and iOS. But the main purpose of the app is not the latest news updates but the discussion forum it's popular for.” Willy also emphasizes that other news apps that should not be used anymore are News360 and Inoreader.


Tech experts from Nosh Technologies raise concerns by mentioning, “News360 app is a decent news app in general, however, the news on the app appear to be a bit outdated. Moreover, if you are buying the subscription package over Android platforms then the app seems to have a glitch and users are not able to apply the subscription properly.” The tech team continues, “Some users might also feel a bit neglected on the app since most news are targeted towards the millennials and younger generation rather than targeting users of any or all ages.”


Although the app is quite reliable when it comes to delivering news, however, the user interface of the app could be a bit annoying at times. For example, during the night the app doesn’t support proper night mode such that reading experience could be better.

Now, that being said, none of these apps is really bad to be used by any users, however, when there are other better choices available then why should you use apps that don’t quite live up to your need.

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