Doctors Say These Are The Pantry Foods You Need To Stop Eating ASAP–They’re So High In Calories!
October 30, 2021 by Justine Schwartz
Many of us learned how to rely on pantry food for meals during the pandemic, but health experts warn that some items that can be stored there are secretly caloric nightmares. Some foods are in the pantry and not in the fridge because they contain high levels of preservatives, which are also known to work adversely in the body causing weight gain, board certified internist and bariatric specialist Dr. Amy Lee warns. “Some people are even intolerant of these ingredients and suffer from the inflammatory effects of them,” she warns.
Loaded with unexpected amounts of sugar, calories and void of the macronutrients that are needed in a healthy diet, these foods should be limited–or avoided altogether (depending on your weight loss goals).
“When it comes to what and how we eat I always recommend moderation and balance and making the best effort in choosing healthy foods,” Dr. Uma Naidoo explains. “This way you don’t fall into restrictive eating patterns or suddenly eliminating a food can sometimes later cause you to crave the food you’re trying to eliminate.”
When the goal is weight loss, she recommends removing foods that are loaded with unwanted refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, colorants, dyes and inflammation causing oils. This is important to not only our physical health but our overall mental health, too. “We want healthy tweaks in our nutrition to be sustainable and part of our habits versus sudden changes based on fads.”
So–what tweaks should be on your radar when it comes to foods found in the pantry?